“Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.”
As we finish up this year, we can’t help but look back and give thanks for all of the amazing women that have impacted our lives this year. Starting with you, dear reader and supporter of all things BPP. (Yep, we mean YOU!)
You are changing the way we talk about periods. You are impacting the lives of girls in need in your community. You are boldly standing up for your needs and your right to a healthy period. You are helping to reduce your footprint by making the switch to organic and/or reusable period products. You are educating and empowering yourself on the importance of menstrual health. You are part of the movement to end menstrual shame, once and for all. You are a strong woman.
All month long at Be Prepared Period, we will be celebrating you (and other ladies like you!) by focusing on Strong Women. Why? Because at Be Prepared Period, we believe that women are amazing, and that our stories are powerful.
This month, we’ll be sharing more stories of inspiring women and their journey to health and happiness. But here’s the thing – you have a story to share, too! We truly believe that we can impact the world by just sharing our experiences. Here are just a few ways you can share:

Read other women’s first period experiences here

Explore our library of period stories here

Submit your own story here (We can’t wait to hear from you!)

Remember, your voice is important. If you’re reading this, you’ve got a unique perspective that only you can share with the world. And you never know how your story may help or impact another girl just like you! If you feel like you’d like to share your experience with puberty, your first period, your menstrual self care routine, or anything else related to Aunt Flow – please let us know! We would love to hear from you and help you share your unique perspective with the world.

Here’s to a better period,
Tara and the BPP team

Each month, Be Prepared Period chooses a monthly mission. From our articles to emails, we work to bring you targeted content all month long. Stay tuned for next month’s mission, and be sure to check out the other Monthly Mission blog posts below. See January’s Mission: Resolutions here. See February’s Mission: Make the Natural Switch here. See March’s Mission: Endometriosis Awareness here. See April’s Mission: Green Your Period here. See May’s Mission: Share Your Story here. See June’s Mission: Dads & Daughters here. See July’s Mission: Toxic Shock Syndrome Awareness here. See August’s Mission: Back to School here. See September’s Mission: Find the Right Products here. See October’s Mission: Feminine CARE here. See our 2017 Year in Review here. We work hard to bring you topics that are relevant, informative, and helpful. If you’re looking for information on any specific topic, feel free to reach out and let us know. You can email us at info@www.bepreparedperiod.com


Whether you’ve just gotten your period, or you’ve been menstruating for a while, there’s a lot to learn about your body. Take the quiz to find out how much you know about Aunt Flow.


You can’t always plan for your period, but you can always be prepared for its surprise arrival. Make sure you’re ready for when you spot the signs with our super cute and discreet 2GO Kits!


BPP’s weekly email series will provide you with the tools you need to confidently prepare for the time ahead.


This FREE action guide not only shares the benefits of tracking your cycle, but provides a weekly checklist on how to optimize each phase of your cycle.


With a self-care practice, you’ll find opportunities to slow down, recharge, and take care of your body. We’re all about finding ways to go with the flow to add a little love to your time of the month.


Menstrual cups have a long list of benefits that include: 12 hour protection, holds more than a super tampon, safer, better for the environment and the cost $avings!! Learn more!


Herbal tea, an all-natural, safe and effective way of reducing or eliminating menstrual symptoms that plague women on a regular basis.