As we near the end of 2017, we feel inspired to revisit all of the great work that we’ve accomplished together this year. When we kicked off the year in January, we decided to focus 2017 on what we believe. These believe statements transformed into our monthly mission posts, where we shared tips, current events, menstrual education, and more. Each monthly mission highlighted one piece of the story. With each post, we shared a little more about our mission – the focus that makes Be Prepared Period the organization it is today. Let’s take a look back:
Be Prepared Period believes:

1. The best way to move forward is to do it together.

Unfortunately, New Year’s resolutions have become a way for us to pick ourselves apart, rather than build ourselves up. So many people attempt to change everything about themselves in one swoop, which can quickly lead to frustration or disappointment when high expectations are dashed early in the year. Does this sound familiar? If you’re looking to break that cycle, we have an idea for you! Instead of trying to focus on changing yourself – why not focus on understanding yourself – and allowing the insights you gain help move you forward. This is a great way to create long-lasting, positive change in your life.

2. That women and girls should have access to all of the facts about the products they’re using, and make the decision that is best for their bodies.

One of the most important aspects of taking control of your health is education. Whether you’re 9 or you’re 49 – there is so much going on and vying for our attention. In the midst of to-do lists and schedules and life, it can be hard to justify making time to research healthier choices, much less incorporate that wellness into our routines. There is power to be found in standing up for your health. There is power to be found in seeking knowledge and educating yourself on your options. And most importantly, there is power in finding the option that works best for you (not your mom or your BFF!) and living an educated, healthy, more natural life.

3. Ladies should know that period pain is not normal.

It is not normal to be in pain during your period. If pain during a menstrual period cannot be relieved by over-the-counter pain medication and a heating pad, then Endometriosis should be considered. It is important to be diagnosed as soon as possible, as earlier diagnosis and treatment may reduce the progression and severity of the disease.

4. Ladies deserve to know what they are putting in or next to their bodies.

Remember – small acts can change the world. (And your life!) By switching a few of our regular habits to more earth-friendly ones, they can make a difference. Never underestimate your ability to make an impact! Whether you try out a new form of cramp relief (check out our Cramp Tea review!) or spend time finding the best natural period product for you, we hope that you’ll heed nature’s call this month and green your period!

5. Breaking the silence on the taboo topic of periods enables ladies to live healthier and more empowered lives.

As women, it is so important that we share our stories out loud. So often, we let our busy schedules, our lives, or even our shame separate us from other people. Let’s put a stop to the fear that keeps us from sharing. We’re here to tell you: You are amazing. Your story is powerful. And by breaking the silence on the once taboo topic of periods, we will all be able to live healthier and more empowered lives.

6. Men need to be included in talks about menstruation to release ladies from the shame that has been carried for too long.

There may be embarrassment, shame, or confusion on both sides – and this can lead to a breakdown in important communication between a daughter and the invaluable support that only her father can provide. As young girls begin to develop, they may start to pull away or naturally try to hide these changes from their dads. The truth is, a dad’s role in this stage is just as important as remembering to put on her helmet before he sends her off on her bike. When a father participates in this formative stage of his daughter’s life, instead of letting her mom handle it, this signifies to the daughter that he accepts her, and will love her as she grows and changes.

7. Ladies should know the true risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome and what is fact vs. fiction.

Toxic shock syndrome is a rare, life-threatening complication of certain types of bacterial infections. It is often associated with the use of super absorbent tampons that contain rayon and other synthetic materials. And unfortunately, girls that are just starting their periods are at a higher risk, since their antibodies are not yet fully developed. This makes it all the more important to be informed about the risks of TSS from a young age.

8. No girl should have to worry about her period when she’s heading back to school.

School days can be stressful enough, without having to worry about cramps or having the right supplies. And we’re not talking about pens and paper – but these tools are equally important as anything you’ll find on a school supplies list. With a little planning and prep, there’s absolutely no reason that periods should get in the way of a totally successful school year. Whether you’re a student or a parent, you may have some immediate questions about when and how to start preparing for Aunt Flow. And while for many years, this is a topic that is often associated with high school or teenage years, periods are starting earlier and earlier today. In fact, 3 in 10 girls will start puberty by age 8. That’s around third grade for students in the US!

9. Ladies should be educated about all of their options for period protection – not just be stuck with the same mediocre product their whole lives.

The average woman will use over 15,000 tampons or pads in her life. And each of those products will spend hours upon hours either directly touching your skin, or inside your body. Quick fact check: the skin is our body’s largest organ, but that doesn’t mean it’s the toughest. In fact, less than 1/10th of an inch separates you from all the toxins you come into contact with every single day. On top of that, the skin in and around our vaginas is designed to absorb more quickly than other parts of our body. Long story short, this is one sensitive area. If you’ve never considered your other options for period protection, let this be the gentle nudge to encourage you to get started.

10. No woman or girl should have to go without the proper supplies.

For millions of women across the United States who lack access to the proper supplies, the conversation takes an even more urgent tone. Many homeless shelters list feminine hygiene products as some of their most critically needed items. In fact, women and young girls in your area are struggling monthly to handle their periods safely and hygienically without the products they need. And the ramifications of this need go much further than what you would immediately think of: lack of access can lead to girls missing school, work, and falling behind their peers.

11. That women are amazing, and our stories are powerful

‘Nuff said.
It’s been a great year at Be Prepared Period, and we’re just getting started. Check back soon for updates on our 2018 focus. In the meantime, if you’ve got a tip, an idea, or a story to tell, be sure to get in touch with us! We are always on the hunt for fresh new voices and guest contributors to our blog. We’d love to hear from you! If you think we’d work well together, you can email us at
If you’ve enjoyed this blog series, we ask that you do us a quick holiday favor. Do you mind sharing Be Prepared Period with your friends or loved ones? We are on a mission to spread menstrual education and resources around the globe, and you can help us! Simply click below to share this blog post with your network of peers.
Cheers to you, and making 2018 the best year yet; Tara and the BPP team
See January’s Mission: Resolutions here. See February’s Mission: Make the Natural Switch here. See March’s Mission: Endometriosis Awareness here. See April’s Mission: Green Your Period here. See May’s Mission: Share Your Story here. See June’s Mission: Dads & Daughters here. See July’s Mission: Toxic Shock Syndrome Awareness here. See August’s Mission: Back to School here. See September’s Mission: Find the Right Products here. See October’s Mission: Feminine CARE here. See November’s Mission: Strong Women here. We work hard to bring you topics that are relevant, informative, and helpful. If you’re looking for information on any specific topic, feel free to reach out and let us know. You can email us at


Whether you’ve just gotten your period, or you’ve been menstruating for a while, there’s a lot to learn about your body. Take the quiz to find out how much you know about Aunt Flow.


You can’t always plan for your period, but you can always be prepared for its surprise arrival. Make sure you’re ready for when you spot the signs with our super cute and discreet 2GO Kits!


BPP’s weekly email series will provide you with the tools you need to confidently prepare for the time ahead.


This FREE action guide not only shares the benefits of tracking your cycle, but provides a weekly checklist on how to optimize each phase of your cycle.


With a self-care practice, you’ll find opportunities to slow down, recharge, and take care of your body. We’re all about finding ways to go with the flow to add a little love to your time of the month.


Menstrual cups have a long list of benefits that include: 12 hour protection, holds more than a super tampon, safer, better for the environment and the cost $avings!! Learn more!


Herbal tea, an all-natural, safe and effective way of reducing or eliminating menstrual symptoms that plague women on a regular basis.