Gifts can make the love bond stronger. If you are a boyfriend who wants to make your girlfriend feel special during her periods, one idea is to give her a gift that demonstrates care and support. But what could be the best gift for your girlfriend? Don’t worry. We have created a complete guide on what items you can include in a care package for your girlfriend. Read on and start adding these items to your checklist.

What Is A Care Package?

A care package is a collection of carefully selected items. These elements are packed together to provide the recipient comfort, support, and enjoyment. It is a tangible expression of care and thoughtfulness. 

The Purpose Of A Care Package

Care packages serve multiple purposes, depending on the situation and the recipient’s needs. They can provide comfort, encouragement, entertainment, and practical support. As a parent of a teen, this package can help you out starting a discussion about your daughter’s puberty or body changes during that stage. Learn how to talk to your daughter about puberty and make her feel supported by gifting this care package.

In the case of a care package for your girlfriend during her period, the primary goal is to show empathy, love, and understanding. It’s an opportunity to acknowledge the challenges she may be facing. It is a good way to offer support in a tangible and meaningful way.

Why Do Care Packages Matter?

Care packages have a special significance. They show that someone cares enough to go the extra mile. In today’s fast-paced world, where digital communication often dominates, receiving a care package can evoke a sense of nostalgia and connection. It reminds us of the power of thoughtful gestures and their impact on our well-being.

Understanding Your Girlfriend’s Needs

To create a truly thoughtful care package for your girlfriend, deeply understanding her needs and preferences is important. Every woman is unique, and menstrual experiences can vary from person to person. Take the time to understand your girlfriend’s desires.

1. Comforting Tea Assortment: A Soothing Brew For Relaxation And Wellness

Tea has been cherished for centuries for its comforting properties and therapeutic benefits. Include a selection of soothing teas in your girlfriend’s care package. It will provide her with a warm and satisfying experience during her period.

The aroma, flavors, and natural ingredients of these teas promote relaxation. It helps alleviate menstrual discomfort and uplift her spirits. Here are the most common types of relaxing teas:

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is well-known for its calming properties. It can help soothe anxiety, promote better sleep, and ease menstrual cramps. The chamomile’s gentle floral flavor and mild sedative effects make it an ideal choice for relaxation and stress relief.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is refreshing and invigorating. It is an excellent addition to a care package for your girlfriend. It can help relieve bloating, ease digestive discomfort, and provide a cooling sensation. The soothing menthol in peppermint tea relaxes tense muscles. It helps alleviate headaches that may accompany her period.

Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It can be particularly beneficial during menstruation. It can help reduce menstrual pain and cramps, relieve nausea, and improve circulation. Ginger tea’s warm and spicy flavor adds a comforting touch to the care package.

Raspberry Leaf Tea

Raspberry leaf tea is often recommended for women during their menstrual cycle. It is believed to help tone the uterus, regulate menstrual flow, and reduce cramping. Additionally, raspberry tea contains vitamins and minerals that can contribute to overall well-being.

Lavender Tea

Lavender tea is renowned for its calming aroma and relaxation-inducing properties. Including lavender tea in the care package can help your girlfriend unwind from stress. It can also promote better sleep, which is essential for her well-being during her period.

2. Cozy Blanket: Warmth And Comfort In Every Snuggle

A cozy blanket provides warmth, comfort, and security during her periods. Whether curled up on the couch or resting in bed, a soft and inviting blanket can significantly affect her overall well-being. Remember the following considerations when gifting your girlfriend a blanket:

Snuggle-Worthy Material

When selecting a blanket, prioritize soft and plush materials. Opt for blankets made of fleece, microfiber, or flannel. These fabrics provide a gentle touch against the skin and offer exceptional warmth. The blanket’s texture should be inviting, allowing her to snuggle up comfortably and feel pampered.

Size And Weight

Consider the size and weight of the blanket when choosing one for the care package. A blanket that is too small may not provide adequate coverage. One that is too large might be cumbersome. Aim for a size that allows her to wrap herself up comfortably. Consider a blanket that provides a cozy level of warmth without feeling too heavy. On the other hand weighted blankets also have their own benefits in promoting better sleep or a reduction in anxiety.


A versatile blanket can serve multiple purposes and enhance your girlfriend’s comfort. Look for lightweight and easy-to-carry blankets. She can use it while watching movies, reading a book, or even taking it on a road trip or picnic. An adaptable blanket adds practicality to the care package. It ensures that she can enjoy its warmth wherever she goes.

Design And Aesthetics

Consider your girlfriend’s preferences when it comes to design and aesthetics. Choose a color or pattern that resonates with her style and personality. The blanket should reflect her taste, whether she prefers vibrant, bold hues or calming and subtle tones. A visually pleasing blanket adds an element of personalization to the care package.

3. Pampering Bath Set: Indulge In Relaxation And Self-Care

A bath set will allow your girlfriend to indulge in a luxurious and soothing bathing experience during her period. It offers relaxation, rejuvenation, and self-care, helping her alleviate stress. So what should you include in a bath set?

Soothing Bath Products

The foundation of a pampering bath set lies in selecting soothing bath products. Look for items formulated to provide relaxation and promote a sense of well-being. Opt for bath salts, bubble baths, oils, or bath bombs. These products often contain essential oils, Epsom salts, and natural botanical extracts that offer therapeutic benefits and help ease tension.

Fragrance And Aromatherapy

Consider the fragrance aspect of the bath set. Choose scents that are known for their calming properties. Opt for lavender, chamomile, or rose. These aromas create a serene atmosphere and enhance the overall bathing experience.

Skin-Nourishing Products

Your girlfriend’s skin may require extra care and hydration during her period. Include skin-nourishing products in the bath set. These products incorporate moisturizing body washes, creamy body lotions, or hydrating body oils. Look for gentle products on the skin that are free from harsh chemicals or irritants. These products will cleanse her body and keep her skin soft and supple.

Bath Accessories

Enhance the bathing experience by including bath accessories in the care package. Items like loofahs, bath sponges, or exfoliating gloves can help rejuvenate the skin. Consider adding a soft bathrobe or a fluffy towel for her to wrap herself in after the bath. It will provide an extra touch of comfort and coziness.

4. Heat Therapy Pack: Soothe And Relieve Discomfort

Heat therapy is an effective natural remedy for managing menstrual cramps. Before buying any product for your girlfriend, get familiar with the options out there.

Types Of Heat Therapy Packs

Different types of heat therapy packs are available, each with its advantages. Consider the following options when selecting a pack for your girlfriend’s care package:

  1. Hot Water Bottle: A classic option is a hot water bottle. Fill a rubber or silicone hot water bottle with hot water from the tap (not boiling) and securely close it. Place a towel or cloth between the hot water bottle and your skin to prevent burns.

  2. Rice Sock: Fill a clean, cotton sock with dry rice and tie a knot at the end. The rice retains heat well and conforms to the body’s shape. To heat a rice sock in the oven, start by filling a clean cotton sock with dry rice and securely tying a knot at the open end. Preheat your oven to a low temperature, around 200°F (93°C). Place the rice-filled sock on a baking sheet or wrap it in aluminum foil for protection. Keep a close watch as the sock warms, checking every few minutes to ensure it doesn’t get too hot or start to brown. Aim for a gentle, comfortable warmth rather than making it excessively hot. It might take around 10-15 minutes to achieve this, but it can vary depending on your oven’s temperature accuracy. Once the sock reaches the desired warmth, carefully remove it from the oven and let it cool slightly before using. Always test the temperature on your skin before applying it to ensure it’s not too hot.

  3. Warm Towels: Wet a clean towel, wring it out, and then heat it in the oven on low heat (around 200°F or 93°C) for a few minutes. Make sure it’s not too hot before using it on your skin.

  4. Hot Towel Compress: Soak a towel in hot water, wring out the excess water, fold it, and place it on the affected area. You can reheat and reuse the towel as needed.

  5. Warm Bath Soak: Fill a bathtub with comfortably warm water and soak in it for around 15-20 minutes. This can provide relaxation and relief for various muscle and joint discomfort.

  6. Warming Gel Packs: Some chemical-based gel packs can be activated by squeezing or clicking a metal disc inside. These packs release heat as a result of a chemical reaction and can be used as a heat source.

  7. Heated Stones: Select smooth, flat stones, heat them in an oven at a low temperature, and then wrap them in a cloth before applying them to the body. Be cautious not to overheat the stones.

  8. Heated Sand Bags: Fill a fabric bag with clean sand and heat it in the oven on low. You can place the warm sand bag on the desired area.

  9. Cotton Cloth and Salt: Fill a cotton cloth bag with coarse salt and heat it in a dry skillet on low heat until warm. Make sure the salt doesn’t burn, then use the bag as a heat pack.

  10. Warm Clothing or Blankets: Layer yourself with warm clothing or blankets to provide overall warmth to your body. This can help soothe muscle tension and discomfort.

Always use caution when using any form of heat therapy to avoid burns. Make sure the temperature is comfortable and not too hot for your skin. If you have any medical conditions or concerns, it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before using heat therapy.

5. Nourishing Chocolate Treats: Sweet Indulgence With Health Benefits

Chocolate, known for its rich flavor and mood-lifting properties, can be a perfect gift. However, consider opting for nourishing chocolate treats instead of just any chocolate. It will not only satisfy her sweet tooth but also offer health benefits. Let’s explore some delectable options to consider.

Choosing Nourishing Chocolate Treats

When selecting chocolate treats for the care package, prioritize delicious and nourishing options. Consider the following choices:

Dark Chocolate with Almonds: Dark chocolate combined with almonds offers a satisfying crunch. It is a dose of healthy fats, protein, and fiber. Look for dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content to maximize the health benefits.

Chocolate-Covered Berries: Indulge in the sweetness of berries coated in dark chocolate. Berries are packed with antioxidants and vitamins. The dark chocolate adds richness and flavor.

Raw Cacao Nibs: Raw cacao nibs are small, crunchy pieces of pure cacao beans. They are minimally processed and retain their natural nutrients and antioxidants. Sprinkle them over yogurt or include them in homemade energy bars for a nutritious chocolate boost.

Chocolate Protein Bars: Opt for protein bars rich in chocolate flavor and contain high-quality ingredients. These bars provide a convenient and satisfying way to provide essential nutrients.

6. Relaxing Essential Oils: Soothe And Unwind With Aromatherapy

Essential oils have been used for centuries for their therapeutic properties. They can help create a calming atmosphere during periods. Here are some options to consider:

Popular Relaxing Essential Oils

When selecting relaxing essential oils for the care package, consider these popular options:

Lavender: Known for its calming and soothing properties, a lavender essential oil is a classic choice for relaxation. It promotes a sense of tranquility and can help ease tension and promote better sleep.

Chamomile: Chamomile essential oil has a gentle, floral scent that is incredibly calming. It can help relax the mind and body, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

Bergamot: With its citrusy and refreshing aroma, bergamot essential oil is known for its mood-enhancing properties. It can uplift spirits, reduce anxiety, and promote well-being.

Ylang-Ylang: Ylang-ylang essential oil has a sweet and floral fragrance that is relaxing and uplifting. It can help relieve stress and anxiety while enhancing mood and promoting a positive mindset.

Ways To Use Relaxing Essential Oils

Your girlfriend can enjoy the benefits of relaxing essential oils from the care package in several ways. Consider including instructions or suggestions for use:

Diffuser: A diffuser is an excellent way to disperse the aroma of essential oils throughout the room. Add a few drops of her favorite oil to the diffuser and let the soothing scent fill the air.

Bath: Encourage your girlfriend to create a relaxing bath experience by adding a few drops of essential oil to warm bath water. This allows the aroma to envelop her senses while she unwinds.

Massage: Essential oils can be diluted with a carrier oil, such as jojoba or sweet almond oil, for a soothing massage. Suggest her to use the oil blend for self-massage or ask for a relaxing massage from you.

Inhalation: Direct inhalation is a simple and effective way to enjoy the benefits of essential oils. She can add a few drops of oil to a tissue, handkerchief )or even the palm of her hand) and inhale deeply whenever she needs a moment of calm.

7. Mood-Enhancing Candles: Setting The Perfect Atmosphere

Candles have long been used for their calming effects. It can play a significant role in improving mood and creating a comforting environment. Explore various candle types and styles to add variety and depth to the care package. Here are a few options to consider:

Aromatherapy Candles

These candles are infused with essential oils known for their therapeutic properties. Lavender for relaxation, citrus for invigoration, or eucalyptus for clarity are popular choices.

Decorative Candles

Decorative candles can be visually appealing and serve as a centerpiece or accent in any room. Look for candles in elegant holders or with artistic designs to add a touch of style.

Candle Sets Or Gift Boxes

Consider including a set of candles or a curated gift box containing various mood-enhancing candles. This allows your girlfriend to choose based on her mood or the ambiance she wants to create.

8. Thoughtful Handwritten Note: Personalizing Your Care Package

While tangible items play a significant role in a care package for your girlfriend, the personal touches truly make it special. Including a heartfelt handwritten note in your package adds a personal and thoughtful element that shows your love, support, and attention to detail.

Crafting A Meaningful Message

When writing your handwritten note, keep these tips in mind to make it even more special:

Be Genuine: Write from the heart and be sincere in your words. Let your girlfriend know how much she means to you and why you wanted to create this care package specifically for her.

Recall Shared Memories: Take a moment to reminisce about special moments or experiences you’ve shared. Mentioning these memories will make the note even more personal and nostalgic.

Highlight Her Strengths: Acknowledge and appreciate her strengths, qualities, and accomplishments. Remind her of the amazing person she is and how much you admire her.

Encouragement and Support: Offer encouragement and support for her challenges or goals. Let her know that you believe in her and support her every step of the way.

9. Gentle Skincare Products: Nurturing Your Girlfriend’s Skin

Taking care of one’s skin is important, especially when hormonal changes can affect its condition. Gifting skincare products to your girlfriend shows your thoughtfulness and provides her with the necessary tools to maintain healthy and radiant skin. Here are some recommendations for a comprehensive skincare routine.

Essential Skincare Products For The Care Package

When selecting skincare products for your girlfriend’s care package, include the following items:

Cleanser: A gentle, non-stripping cleanser removes impurities without disrupting the skin’s natural moisture barrier.

Toner: A soothing and hydrating toner helps balance the skin’s pH levels and prepares it for the next steps of the skincare routine.

Moisturizer: A lightweight and nourishing moisturizer provides hydration and locks in moisture, keeping the skin supple and smooth.

Face Mask: Including a hydrating or soothing face mask allows your girlfriend to indulge in a pampering treatment and rejuvenate her skin.

Lip Balm: Hormonal changes during periods can cause dryness and chapped lips. A nourishing lip balm keeps her lips moisturized and comfortable.

10. Mood-Boosting Books Or Movies: Entertainment For Uplifting Spirits

In hormonal changes and fluctuating emotions, it’s important to include elements of entertainment and relaxation in your girlfriend’s care package. Mood-boosting books or movies can provide a welcome escape, inspire, and lift her spirits during her period.

When selecting books or movies for the care package, consider your girlfriend’s preferences, interests, and themes that resonate with her. Here are some categories and recommendations to consider:

Feel-Good Fiction

Books or movies with heartwarming stories, happy endings, and relatable characters can instantly uplift her mood. Examples include “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society” by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows or the movie “Little Miss Sunshine.”

Inspirational Biographies

Biographies or memoirs of inspiring individuals who have overcome challenges or succeeded can motivate and empower your girlfriend. Consider titles like “The Pursuit of Happyness” by Chris Gardner or the movie “The Biggest Little Farm.”

Comedy And Laughter

Including humorous books or comedic movies can bring joy and laughter to her day. Opt for titles like “Bridget Jones’s Diary” by Helen Fielding or the movie “Pitch Perfect.”

Self-Care And Personal Growth

Books or movies focusing on self-care practices, personal development, or mindfulness can provide valuable insights and promote a positive mindset. Suggest titles like “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz or the movie “Eat Pray Love.”

Adventure And Fantasy

If your girlfriend enjoys escaping into magical worlds or thrilling adventures, consider books like “Harry Potter” by J.K. Rowling or movies from the “Marvel Cinematic Universe” for an immersive and exciting experience.

Show Your Love

From the 10 items mentioned above, you can use many gifts combined or one at a time to include in the care package for your girlfriend. Remember to consider her preferences when creating a package. Start shopping now and show your love by gifting your girlfriend a thoughtful care package.