Menstruation is a natural process that every girl has to face. However, the environmental impact of disposable menstrual products, such as pads and tampons, is often overlooked. Every year, billions of these products end up in landfills. It pollutes the environment and takes hundreds of years to decompose. Fortunately, there is a sustainable alternative: DIY period pads.

In this article, we will provide an easy-to-follow guide on how to craft your pads using simple materials. Not only are DIY period pads more sustainable, but they are also more affordable and customizable to meet individual needs. Let’s dive in and discover how to make your DIY period pads! But first as a parent, it is your responsibility to know how to talk to your daughter about puberty. This will help your daughter feel confident during this period (Pun totally intended!).

Benefits Of DIY Period Pads

The benefits of DIY period pads cannot be overstated. For one, this approach to menstrual care is cost-effective and eco-friendly. By creating your pads, you can reduce the waste generated through their disposal. Additionally, DIY pads offer comfort and customization, often lacked by store-bought options.

Using natural and breathable materials, such as cotton, helps to reduce irritation and discomfort during menstruation. Besides, you can adjust the length and absorbency, ensuring a more tailored fit.

Another major advantage of DIY period pads is the peace of mind they provide. By choosing the materials and components that go into your pads, you can be confident that they are free from harmful chemicals and irritants that might be found in mainstream products. This is particularly important for those with sensitive skin or allergies.

Materials Needed For DIY Period Pad

DIY period pads are becoming popular among women who seek cost-effective menstrual products. Making your period pads is easy and fun, but it also helps reduce waste and save money in the long run. To create DIY period pads, here are the materials you will need:

  1. Fabric: You will need two types of fabric for your pad. One for the top layer that will be in direct contact with your skin and another for the back layer that will prevent leaks. Look for materials that can absorb liquid effectively. Good options include soft, breathable, absorbent fabric like cotton flannel or terry cloth, bamboo fleece, or hemp. You will also need waterproof or water-resistant fabric. This material is used as a barrier to prevent leaks. You can use a polyurethane laminate (PUL) fabric, which is a waterproof material commonly used in cloth diaper making. Another option is to use a water-resistant fleece or nylon fabric.
  2. Absorbent material: To add more absorbency to your pad, use cotton batting, flannel, or microfiber cloth. Cut these materials into the same size as your fabric.
  3. Snaps or Velcro: These fasteners will hold your pad securely in place. You can choose snap buttons or Velcro strips to create wings. Snaps are more durable, while Velcro offers more adjustability.
  4. Sewing machine or needle and thread: Sewing the pads requires basic sewing skills. Use a sturdy thread that can withstand regular use and washing. You will need a sewing machine if you have one, as it makes the process faster and more efficient. Alternatively, you can sew the pads by hand using a needle and thread.
  5. Scissors or rotary cutter: These tools are essential for cutting the fabric to the desired shape and size.
  6. Pattern or template: You can find free patterns or templates online to guide you in cutting the fabric into the appropriate shape for the pad.

It’s important to note that the exact materials and quantities required will depend on the specific design and size of the pads you intend to make. You may also want to consider additional decorative materials or notions like ribbons or lace, but these are optional.

Step-By-Step Guide To Create A DIY Period Pad

This guide will teach you how to make homemade reusable and eco-friendly period pads.

First, gather your materials. Determine the size and shape of your pad. You can use a store-bought pad as a template, for this read our guide: which pads are best for tweens. Then, cut out the pieces of fabric according to your desired size and shape.

Layer the absorbent fabric over the waterproof fabric and sew the edges together. Leave a small opening to turn it right side out. Once you have turned the pad right side out, sew the opening shut. Add snaps or Velcro to the wings to keep the pad in place.

You can customize your pads by adding extra layers of absorbent fabric or using colorful fabrics to brighten your collection. After use, rinse the pad in cold water and toss it in the washing machine with your other laundry.

Care And Maintenance Of DIY Period Pads

When maintaining self-created period pads, there are a few points to remember.

First, it is crucial to ensure proper hygiene and sanitation. This means washing the pads with a gentle, unscented detergent after each use. It may also be helpful to soak the pads in cold water before washing to help remove any stains.

Additionally, it is crucial to replace pads on a regular basis to prevent the growth of bacteria.

Another key aspect of care for DIY period pads is proper storage. Pads should be stored in a clean, dry place. Investing in a reusable bag specifically designed for period products may be helpful. This will keep the pads organized and protect them from any potential damage or contamination.

Make A Difference By Switching To DIY Pads

Making your own period pads is a sustainable and empowering alternative to disposable products. Following our guide, you can easily create your own pads at home with minimal materials. We hope this guide has been helpful, and we encourage you to try DIY period pads.

You can significantly impact the environment by making this small change in your menstrual routine. Let’s take this step towards a more sustainable future together!