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Craft Your Own Pads: An Easy DIY Period Pads Guide

Menstruation is a natural process that every girl has to face. However, the environmental impact of disposable menstrual products, such as pads and tampons, is often overlooked. Every year, billions of these products end up in landfills. It pollutes the environment and takes hundreds of years to decompose. Fortunately, there is a sustainable alternative: DIY period pads.

In this article, we will provide an easy-to-follow guide on how to craft your pads using simple materials. Not only are DIY period pads more sustainable, but they are also more affordable and customizable to meet individual needs. Let’s dive in and discover how to make your DIY period pads! But first as a parent, it is your responsibility to know how to talk to your daughter about puberty. This will help your daughter feel confident during this period (Pun totally intended!).

Benefits Of DIY Period Pads

The benefits of DIY period pads cannot be overstated. For one, this approach to menstrual care is cost-effective and eco-friendly. By creating your pads, you can reduce the waste generated through their disposal. Additionally, DIY pads offer comfort and customization, often lacked by store-bought options.

Using natural and breathable materials, such as cotton, helps to reduce irritation and discomfort during menstruation. Besides, you can adjust the length and absorbency, ensuring a more tailored fit.

Another major advantage of DIY period pads is the peace of mind they provide. By choosing the materials and components that go into your pads, you can be confident that they are free from harmful chemicals and irritants that might be found in mainstream products. This is particularly important for those with sensitive skin or allergies.

Materials Needed For DIY Period Pad

DIY period pads are becoming popular among women who seek cost-effective menstrual products. Making your period pads is easy and fun, but it also helps reduce waste and save money in the long run. To create DIY period pads, here are the materials you will need:

  1. Fabric: You will need two types of fabric for your pad. One for the top layer that will be in direct contact with your skin and another for the back layer that will prevent leaks. Look for materials that can absorb liquid effectively. Good options include soft, breathable, absorbent fabric like cotton flannel or terry cloth, bamboo fleece, or hemp. You will also need waterproof or water-resistant fabric. This material is used as a barrier to prevent leaks. You can use a polyurethane laminate (PUL) fabric, which is a waterproof material commonly used in cloth diaper making. Another option is to use a water-resistant fleece or nylon fabric.
  2. Absorbent material: To add more absorbency to your pad, use cotton batting, flannel, or microfiber cloth. Cut these materials into the same size as your fabric.
  3. Snaps or Velcro: These fasteners will hold your pad securely in place. You can choose snap buttons or Velcro strips to create wings. Snaps are more durable, while Velcro offers more adjustability.
  4. Sewing machine or needle and thread: Sewing the pads requires basic sewing skills. Use a sturdy thread that can withstand regular use and washing. You will need a sewing machine if you have one, as it makes the process faster and more efficient. Alternatively, you can sew the pads by hand using a needle and thread.
  5. Scissors or rotary cutter: These tools are essential for cutting the fabric to the desired shape and size.
  6. Pattern or template: You can find free patterns or templates online to guide you in cutting the fabric into the appropriate shape for the pad.

It’s important to note that the exact materials and quantities required will depend on the specific design and size of the pads you intend to make. You may also want to consider additional decorative materials or notions like ribbons or lace, but these are optional.

Step-By-Step Guide To Create A DIY Period Pad

This guide will teach you how to make homemade reusable and eco-friendly period pads.

First, gather your materials. Determine the size and shape of your pad. You can use a store-bought pad as a template, for this read our guide: which pads are best for tweens. Then, cut out the pieces of fabric according to your desired size and shape.

Layer the absorbent fabric over the waterproof fabric and sew the edges together. Leave a small opening to turn it right side out. Once you have turned the pad right side out, sew the opening shut. Add snaps or Velcro to the wings to keep the pad in place.

You can customize your pads by adding extra layers of absorbent fabric or using colorful fabrics to brighten your collection. After use, rinse the pad in cold water and toss it in the washing machine with your other laundry.

Care And Maintenance Of DIY Period Pads

When maintaining self-created period pads, there are a few points to remember.

First, it is crucial to ensure proper hygiene and sanitation. This means washing the pads with a gentle, unscented detergent after each use. It may also be helpful to soak the pads in cold water before washing to help remove any stains.

Additionally, it is crucial to replace pads on a regular basis to prevent the growth of bacteria.

Another key aspect of care for DIY period pads is proper storage. Pads should be stored in a clean, dry place. Investing in a reusable bag specifically designed for period products may be helpful. This will keep the pads organized and protect them from any potential damage or contamination.

Make A Difference By Switching To DIY Pads

Making your own period pads is a sustainable and empowering alternative to disposable products. Following our guide, you can easily create your own pads at home with minimal materials. We hope this guide has been helpful, and we encourage you to try DIY period pads.

You can significantly impact the environment by making this small change in your menstrual routine. Let’s take this step towards a more sustainable future together!

Traveling With Your Period: Can You Take Period Pads In Your Hand Luggage?

Traveling With Your Period: Can You Take Period Pads In Your Hand Luggage?

Traveling can be stressful, especially when dealing with your period. It’s important to be prepared and pack everything you need for a comfortable journey. But when traveling with period pads in your luggage, many people wonder about the rules and regulations. Can you take period pads in your hand luggage? In this article, we’ll explore the answer to this question. We’ll also provide some helpful tips for traveling with your period.

TSA Rules And Regulations To Carry Period Pads In Your Hand Luggage

Most individuals are well aware of the restrictions regarding liquids and gels. But many are not aware of the guidelines for carrying period pads. It’s essential to know that period pads are allowed in your carry-on bag. But some certain rules and regulations must be followed.

The TSA states that period pads, tampons, and menstrual cups are permitted on board a plane. However, these products must be packed in a clear, plastic, and resealable bag along with other personal hygiene items.

Additionally, if the pads have wings, they must be removed from the packaging and placed inside the clear bag. It’s important to note that TSA officers may request that you remove these products from your carry-on bag at the checkpoint for screening. It’s always best to pack them in an accessible location to avoid any delays or unnecessary searches.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure a stress-free travel experience while carrying all the necessary personal hygiene products.

Tips For Traveling With Period Pads

Traveling can be quite stressful for many women, particularly during their menstrual cycle. A sufficient supply of pads is one of the most important items to include in your luggage. Here are some tips to help you travel comfortably with your pads.

Before you set off on your journey, make an inventory of the number of pads you will need. Consider the duration of your trip and flow intensity. Pack enough pads to last the entire trip, plus a few extras in emergencies. It would help if you also consider the type of pads you prefer to use. Some women prefer to use pads with wings for added protection. While others may prefer ultra-thin pads for minimal bulk.

Additionally, consider carrying a separate bag to store used pads. Pack a few sealable bags or a small container to keep your used pads discreetly. Remember to dispose of used pads appropriately, following local environmental guidelines.

Besides, remember to carry extra underwear, particularly dark-colored ones, in case of leaks. This will ensure you remain comfortable and confident throughout your trip. You must also have some information about which pads are best for tweens. So that you can travel safely without facing any embarrassing incident.

Importance Of Being Prepared

Overall, traveling with period pads in your hand luggage is generally allowed. But reading your airline or travel authority’s specific regulations is essential. Pack enough supplies for your trip, and consider bringing a small travel-sized bag for your used pads.

If you are a parent then you must know how to talk to your daughter about puberty. You should also make her aware of the travel rules, so she can enjoy her journey.

Being prepared and knowledgeable about the rules will help ensure a stress-free trip. Don’t let your period keep you from traveling and exploring the world!

Happy Periods: A Guide To Choosing The Best Sanitary Pads For Tweens

Happy Periods: A Guide To Choosing The Best Sanitary Pads For Tweens

For parents, it can be a daunting task to choose the best sanitary pads for tweens. With so many options available, deciding which is the most suitable can be challenging. However, selecting a pad that is comfortable, absorbent, and easy to use is important.

In this article, we will discuss the 4 best sanitary pads for tweens and guide you in learning which pads are best for tweens.

Types Of Sanitary Pads

There are different types of sanitary pads available in the market. Some of the most common ones are:

Disposable Pads

Disposable pads are designed to be used once and then thrown away. They are made of absorbent materials and come in different sizes and shapes to fit every body shape.

Reusable Pads

Reusable pads are eco-friendly and can be used multiple times. They are washable and made of materials like cotton, bamboo, or hemp. They come in various designs and sizes to suit different body types.

Organic Pads

Organic pads are made of natural materials like cotton, bamboo, or corn fiber. They are free from chemicals, fragrances, and dyes, making them safe for sensitive skin.

Features To Consider

When choosing the best sanitary pads for tweens, there are some features to consider. These include:


The absorbency of the sanitary pad should match the tween’s period flow. Selecting a pad that can hold the amount of blood flow and prevent leaks is essential.


The sanitary pad should be comfortable to wear and not cause any irritation or discomfort. It should fit well and not move around during physical activities.


The size of the sanitary pad should match the tween’s body size. It should cover the entire underwear area and not be too long or too short.

Best Sanitary Pads For Tweens

After considering the features, we selected the 4 best sanitary pads a tween can use.

BPP Super Plus Organic Pads: BPP super pads are specially designed to provide the most protection and comfort during heavy flow days. These pads contain organic cotton and are chemical-free. They are hypoallergenic and provide superior cover against leaks while being gentle on the skin. The wings help keep the pad in place, preventing leaks and ensuring a secure fit. With a soft and comfortable top layer and an ultra-absorbent core, these pads are perfect for those who need extra protection during their period. 

U by Kotex Tween Pads: These pads have fun, vibrant designs. They offer a comfortable fit and are free from fragrances and dyes.

Seventh Generation Free & Clear Pads: These pads are made with a soft, cotton top layer free from fragrances, dyes, and chlorine bleaching. They are hypoallergenic and provide excellent protection against leaks.

Stayfree Ultra Thin Pads: These ultra-thin pads offer excellent protection against leaks. They come with a flexible fit design that moves with the body and is perfect for active tweens.

Protect Your Tween During Her Period

However, by knowing how to talk to your daughter about puberty and selecting the right pad, parents can ensure their tweens are comfortable and protected during their periods.

Period pads discussed in the article are among the best sanitary pads for tweens. These pads are comfortable, absorbent, and safe for sensitive skin, making them the perfect choice for tweens.

Choosing The Best Pads For Periods: A Comprehensive Guide

Choosing The Best Pads For Periods: A Comprehensive Guide

As a parent of a tween or teen yourself, you may be wondering which pads are best for tweens. It’s a topic that can be uncomfortable to talk about. But ensuring your daughter is comfortable and protected during her period is important. This article will discuss the factors to consider when choosing a pad. We’ll also answer some common questions parents may have.

Factors To Consider When Picking A Period Pad

When choosing the best pads for your period, there are a few factors to remember. First, consider the size and absorbency of the pad.

Tweens will need a smaller size than an adult pad. But it’s essential to make sure it still offers enough protection. Look for pads labeled specifically for tweens or “teen” pads. These will be thinner and more flexible than adult pads but offer the same protection.

Another factor to consider is the material of the pad. Some tweens may have sensitive skin, so choosing a pad made from a hypoallergenic material, like cotton, is essential. Avoid pads that contain fragrances or dyes, as these can cause irritation.


The absorbency level of the pad is an essential factor to consider. The pad should be able to absorb the right amount of menstrual blood based on your flow.

Size And Shape

The size and shape of the pad should fit your teen’s body shape and size comfortably. It should provide adequate coverage without being too bulky or uncomfortable.


The material of the pad is another critical factor to consider. It should be soft, breathable, and hypoallergenic to avoid irritation or discomfort.

Adhesive Quality

The adhesive quality of the pad should be strong enough to hold it in place but gentle enough not to cause irritation or discomfort.


Many people also consider the eco-friendliness of the pad. Some pads are made with sustainable or biodegradable materials, which can be a more environmental-friendly option.


The cost of the pad is also an important factor to consider. It’s essential to find the best pads for period that provide the necessary features at a reasonable price.

Frequently Asked Questions

As menstruation is a natural biological process, it is important to understand and address any related concerns. The abundance of information and products available can be overwhelming and confusing for individuals, especially young adults just starting their menstrual journey. We have generated some FAQs related to period pads to provide clarity and ease.

Q: When should I start using pads?

A: It’s generally recommended that tweens use pads when they begin menstruating. It’s a good idea to have some pads on hand before your child’s first period.

Q: How often to change my pad?

A: Tweens should change their pad every 4-6 hours or more often if it becomes saturated. Reminding your child to change their pad regularly to avoid leaks and discomfort is essential.

Q: Can I wear a pad while swimming?  

A: Unfortunately, pads are not recommended for swimming as they tend to absorb water and lose their effectiveness. Tampons or menstrual cups are a better alternative for water activities

Q: Are scented pads safe to use?  

A: Scented pads have added fragrances that can cause irritation and allergic reactions. It is best to opt for unscented pads to avoid any discomfort. 

Q: Can I wear a pad overnight?  

A: Yes, there are overnight pads designed specifically for this purpose. They have a longer length and higher absorbency to protect throughout the night. 

Q: Are there eco-friendly options for period pads?  

A: Yes, reusable cloth pads and biodegradable disposable pads are better for the environment. Researching and choosing best pads for your period that fits your needs and preferences is important.

Support Your Tween Through Her Period

Choosing the right pads for your tween can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. By keeping size, absorbency, materials, and their specific needs in mind, you can find a pad that works well for your child. Learn how to talk to your daughter about puberty and communicate with your teen. Remember to be open and understanding during this time. Let your tween know that you’re there to support them.

Say Goodbye To Stains: Aunt Flo Period Panties To The Rescue

Say Goodbye To Stains: Aunt Flo Period Panties To The Rescue

For many women, dealing with the hassle of periods can be a monthly inconvenience. One of the most common and frustrating problems during periods is the risk of leaks and stains. Fortunately, there’s a solution that can help get rid of this problem and make periods stress-free: Aunt Flo period panties. These undergarments provide comfort, practicality, and, most importantly, leak-proof protection during periods. 

In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of Aunt Flo panties and how they can make your period much more manageable. So, say goodbye to stains and hello to stress-free periods with Aunt Flo panties! 

But before moving ahead, we advice parents to understand how to talk to your daughter about puberty. So they can make their teen’s period experience simple.

What Are Aunt Flo Period Panties?

Aunt Flo period panties are a type of underwear designed for menstruating individuals. These panties are made from high-quality materials such as cotton and spandex. Its fabric provides comfort and support during periods. This property makes these panties popular for heavy flow or irregular periods.

They also feature a leak-proof layer that prevents any embarrassing accidents. The leak-proof layer is made from breathable materials. It offers ample protection without causing discomfort.

Aunt Flo period panties are available in different versions. You can pick any style from briefs, bikinis, boy shorts and many other types. That makes them suitable for diverse body measurements and personal preferences.

Benefits Of Aunt Flo Period Underwear

The benefits of aunt flo panties have made them a must-have for women looking for a comfortable and effective way to manage their periods.

First, Aunt Flo period panties are highly absorbent. It ensures that any leakage or spills are contained within the fabric, reducing the chances of embarrassing situations in public.

They are also made of high-quality, breathable fabric that prevents any irritation. These panties are eco-friendly. They are reusable, reducing waste and saving money in the long run.

Another benefit of Aunt Flo period panties is that they can be worn independently or as a backup to other menstrual products. There’s no need for tampons or pads for added protection.

How To Choose The Right Period Panties

Choosing the right period panties is crucial to ensure the most comfort and protection. The right underwear can relieve discomfort, such as painful period cramps, while it also provides an additional layer of protection against leaks. Many options are available in the market. So you must consider these factors before buying a period underwear.

First, the material of the period panties must be breathable, comfortable, and moisture-wicking. The ideal material should also be durable enough to survive multiple washes.

Second, the panty’s style and fit should complement the user’s body type and personal preferences. High-waisted and full-coverage period panties are popular options. They provide maximum protection and coverage, preventing any accidental leaks.

In the end, the level of absorbency must be considered. However, it depends on the individual’s menstrual flow.

Say Hello To Confidence

Underwear provided by Aunt Flo is excellent for enjoying a stress-free period experience. These undergarments provide leak-proof protection, comfort, and practicality during periods. That makes it easier to manage your monthly cycle.

Additionally, they are eco-friendly and cost-effective compared to disposable products. If you haven’t tried Aunt Flo period panties yet, we highly recommend trying them. 

Say goodbye to stains for good and enjoy a worry-free period with period panties.



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