A menstrual cup is a wonderful invention and addition to period management products. These cups are a sustainable option for girls looking to minimize waste during periods. But in recent years, there have been many misconceptions about these cups. Today we will provide you with some myths about menstrual cups teenagers should know so that you can have a worry-free period experience. 

Busting Myths For Informed Choices

Today, where information is readily available at our fingertips, it’s crucial to distinguish between facts and faction. This is especially true when it comes to our health and well-being. Busting myths is an essential practice that empowers individuals, like teenagers, to make informed choices. This way they can choose the best period products for them.

When it comes to menstrual cups, numerous myths and misconceptions are circulating. It can create unnecessary fear and confusion among teenagers. It’s vital to address and debunk these myths to provide reliable information.

Myth #1: Menstrual Cups Are Uncomfortable And Painful

One of the common myths about menstrual cups is that they are uncomfortable and cause pain. However, this myth is not entirely true. Menstrual cups are designed to be comfortable when inserted correctly.

Initially, some users may need a little time to get used to wearing a menstrual cup. But with practice, it becomes a comfortable option for many. The key to a pain-free experience is ensuring the cup is inserted properly, forming a secure seal. Once in place, it should not cause discomfort or pain.

If a menstrual cup is causing pain, it might not be inserted correctly or may not be the right size for the individual.

Myth #2: Menstrual Cups Are Only For Older Women

This is simply not true. Menstrual cups can be used by women of all ages, including teenagers. Many teenagers find these cups a convenient option for managing their periods.

Since menstrual cups can be worn for up to 12 hours, they are ideal for school or other activities without frequent changes. Teenagers can also benefit from the cost-effectiveness and reduced environmental impact of menstrual cups compared to disposable products.

Myth #3: Menstrual Cups Are Not Safe For Teens

Some people believe these cups are unsafe for teens, but this myth is not supported by evidence. Menstrual cups made of medical-grade silicone or other safe materials are generally considered safe for teenagers and women of all ages.

It is essential to follow hygiene practices and sterilize the cup as recommended. Additionally, teens should be educated about menstrual cup usage to ensure safe use.

Myth #4: Menstrual Cups Can Get Lost Inside The Body

One common misconception about menstrual cups is that they can get lost inside the body. However, this is not true. Menstrual cups are designed with a stem or a tail, making it easy to locate and remove the cup.

The cervix is a natural barrier preventing the cup from traveling too far into the body.

Myth #5: Menstrual Cups Are Messy And Hard To Clean

Another myth surrounding menstrual cups is that they are messy to clean. On the contrary, using a menstrual cup can be neater and more hygienic than using pads or tampons.

When inserted correctly, the menstrual cup forms a secure seal that prevents leaks. It reduces the risk of messiness. The cup can be emptied into the toilet, rinsed with water, and reinserted to clean it.

Myth #6: Menstrual Cups Cause TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome)

There is a misconception that menstrual cups can cause Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). It is a rare but severe bacterial infection. It’s important to note that no reported cases of TSS are linked explicitly to menstrual cup use.

TSS is primarily associated with prolonged use of high-absorbency, synthetic tampons. Unlike tampons, menstrual cups do not absorb menstrual fluid. They collect menstrual blood,  reducing the risk of TSS.

However, following proper hygiene practices, such as emptying and cleaning the cup regularly, is crucial to prevent any potential infection.

Myth #7: Menstrual Cups Are Not Eco-Friendly

One common myth about menstrual cups is that they are not eco-friendly. However, the opposite is true. Menstrual cups are a sustainable and environmentally conscious choice for managing periods.

Unlike disposable tampons and pads, which contribute to waste, menstrual cups are reusable. It can last for several years with proper care.

By choosing a menstrual cup, you can significantly reduce your environmental impact. On average, a person can use up to 12,000+ disposable period products in a lifetime, ending in landfills and taking years to decompose. In contrast, using a single menstrual cup can replace thousands of disposable products.

Myth #8: Menstrual Cups Are Expensive

Another misconception is that menstrual cups are expensive. While the initial cost of a menstrual cup may be higher than a box of disposable tampons, it is essential to consider the long-term benefits.

As mentioned, menstrual cups can last several years with proper care. This means that the investment in a menstrual cup pays off over time. It eliminates the need for continuous purchases of disposable products.

Fact vs. Fiction

These are some myths about menstrual cups you should know as a teenager. Now that you know the truth; you can better make informed decisions about whether to use these cups or not. 

Parental involvement is vital during a girl’s period, especially in first periods. Learn how to talk to your daughter about puberty and listen to her needs. Openly discuss puberty and offer guidance to help her use menstrual cups and eliminate these myths.