Period Tips to Ease the Discomforts of Menstruation


It’s time to stop living with the belief that bad periods are just a part of life. Start taking charge of your health and learn how you can have a better period!

Start with the articles to the right, then check out our other articles and free resources.


How Yoga Can Help When You’re On Your Period

Guest post by Emma Lymn

Over the years, yoga has gained significant popularity. Nowadays you’ll see photos of celebrities in their yoga gear and carrying their mats around after a class on magazines and popular gossip websites. Why?  Easy, yoga makes you feel good. In fact, most yogis will tell you that they feel better after attending a session, which isn’t always the case with other forms of exercise.

There are many reasons yoga is a mood booster and has many benefits.

In fact, yoga’s effects are so far reaching that many women keep going to their yoga classes even during their periods,  a time of the month where you might be tempted to veg on the couch. That brings us to the menstrual benefits of yoga. Before we delve deeper into that, let’s address an all too common question.


What Is Period Acne & How Do I Get Rid Of It?


Period acne is an ongoing problem that sometimes continues to happen well into adulthood. It’s annoying and may make you want to hide in a hole. Don’t worry – you’re not alone – today’s article discusses this condition (occasionally referred to as PMS acne or hormonal acne) in depth and explores what you can do to make it more tolerable. Let’s dive in.


What Are The Best Ways To Get Period Stains Out Of Panties

Guest post by Laura Slingo

We’ve all been there. You’ve just woken up and popped to the toilet, or you’ve taken a bathroom break at work, and you’ve discovered another surprise stain in your panties.

As if it isn’t annoying enough to have to deal with cramps, heavy flows and bloating, women also have to deal with period stains in our favorite panties and on white bed sheets. It doesn’t really seem fair, does it?

But before you throw another pair of panties in the trash or add them to your designated only-fit-for-your-period pile of ruined panties, stop!


How To: Stop Your Period (Let’s Talk Pros and Cons)

how to stop your period
We talk a lot about period positivity around here, but we get it. Periods can be a real pain in the you-know-what. Sometimes, it would be easier if your period just didn’t show up for a month or two, right? As with any health decision, attempting to control or change your cycle does come with certain repercussions – but are they worth worrying about? We’re answering all of your questions! Below, you’ll find everything you need to know about the pros and cons of interfering with your body’s menstrual cycle. We’ll be covering the following topics: (more…)

How to Make a Menstrual Cycle Calendar

how to make a menstrual cycle calendar

By Cynthia –


First of all, if you just got your first period, welcome to the club! We have cookies and chocolate (and we’ll share!) With the arrival of your first period comes the need to start keeping track of your menstrual health. How are you supposed to do that, you might ask? By creating a menstrual calendar! Today’s blog post will show you how to make your very own menstrual cycle calendar, and why it’s important.

Let’s do some clarification before the actual calendar
A menstrual cycle is NOT the only days you are actually bleeding (A.K.A. the period). In fact, a menstrual cycle is the number of days from one period until the next period. So, if this is your first period, start counting! Count from the first day of your period (first bleeding day) until the first day of your next period. When your next period starts, you stop counting – and now you know your length of your first menstrual cycle. Below is an example with an actual calendar. For example, if your period began on the 1st of January, and your next period is on the 2nd of February, then that adds up to a 32-day menstrual cycle. On the 2nd of February when your next period starts, you start counting again.


Handcrafted by menstrual experts with only the finest organic ingredients, these teas not only prove to be a great remedy for menstrual cramps and hot flashes – but they taste good too!


These fashionable period kits were designed to keep ladies of all ages prepared for their period while on the go!



This action guide not only shares the benefits of tracking your cycle, but provides a weekly checklist on how to optimize each phase of your cycle.


Searching for a healthier, natural form of relief? Did you know herbal teas could be your solution to menstrual and hormonal issues like PMS, Cramps, Hot Flashes & more? Learn how in this series!


Learn to understand and even celebrate your body by learning its patterns and how best to support it. This series provides weekly resources designed to arm you with the tools you need to make healthy switches.


Learn the basics of essential oils, what they are, how to use them safely, the top 3 oils for women’s health, our favorite essential oil recipes and more!