
Some days my pain is so excruciating that it takes every little last bit of willpower I have to drag myself out of my bed and face the world. Those days used to be a few out of every month, now those days are every day.  I know the cause of my pain.  I know what the solution is.  I know when that solution is coming and it is only a few weeks away, but time seems to somehow dilate and those few weeks seem as far away as the stars and planets that I stare at on those few cloudless nights we have in the grim north!

So here is my story.  Long and tedious it may be, but it is my story nonetheless and it is time that I put it all down in one place.

I have just turned 40.  I feel it.  In fact, add another 20 years on…that’s how I think I feel. This state of mind is not normal for me but it has been the status quo for over 2 years.


What is just as much fun as our monthly Tweet Chats?

Answer. Our GIVEAWAYS!!!

On April 13th, 2012 Be Prepared Period and You ARE Loved will come together to host a special Get to Know Your Menstrual Cycle event! We are proud to announce we have two special guests, Dr. Joan Moon of Women’s Health Dynamics and Alison Sanchez of joining us this month.

To help promote the event and encourage participation Lunette has generously donated 5 Lunette Cups for us to give away to 5 very lucky participants. (And an extra BONUS: You get to pick the size and color!)

Over the past 70 years, a woman’s choice for internal menstrual care has pretty much been limited to tampons. Wouldn’t you like something better, something . . . nicer?

Now there is an alternative that is healthier for our bodies, our environment and our pocketbook — the Lunette menstrual cup.

Made in Finland, the Lunette menstrual cup is an easy-to-use, safe, and clean alternative to pads and tampons. Using a Lunette is similar to using a tampon but requires less changing. Made of medical-grade silicone, a non-friendly environment for bacteria, menstrual cups are simply washed and reused. Not to mention, menstrual cups create zero waste. That’s nice!


What is just as much fun as our monthly Tweet Chats?

Answer. Our GIVEAWAYS!!!

On April 13th, 2012 Be Prepared Period and You ARE Loved will come together to host a special Get to Know Your Menstrual Cycle event! We are proud to announce we have two special guests, Dr. Joan Moon of Women’s Health Dynamics and Alison Sanchez of joining us this month.

To help promote the event and encourage participation has generously donated 3 Female Empowerment bracelets for us to give away to 3 very lucky participants.

Feby Female Empowerment BraceletThe Female Empowerment Bracelet helps you get in touch with your Body and your Self! Feby’s unique color system makes it easy to identify the natural cycles of a woman’s body.

How it works:

Red is for blood signifying the days of your period. The first bead is the most important.

White is neutral. We always have hormones coursing through our bodies but these days are calmer.

Pink indicates ovulation. These are the days we are most fertile or able to become pregnant.

Black beads represent the days we may suffer from premenstrual syndrome or PMS.


I’m 23 and was diagnosed with endometriosis in January 2012. 

I had my first period when I was 11 and they were always painful, but my older sister was the same and doctors just said it was normal. I went on the pill when I was 17 to help make my cycle more regular, but I still suffered a lot with the pain and I always bled very heavily. I suppose I just accepted it.

I remember one month when I was 19 the pain was worse than normal. I came home from work and went in the bathroom to change, and within seconds there was a trail of blood on the floor. As I said, my periods had always been heavy but I’d never seen anything like this. My parents took me up to A&E but we didn’t really get any answers. They didn’t want to examine me because it would have been uncomfortable for me as I was bleeding. I’d had a boyfriend for over two years at the time and we were sleeping together but we always used protection, so I didn’t think I could have been pregnant but they said that was a possibility. My boyfriend at the time wasn’t very nice – I called to let him know I was in the hospital and his response was that he was going out with his mates, so I didn’t feel comfortable discussing the issue in front of my parents! The doctor told me I should come back in a few days to be examined, but stupidly I never did. Other than that, they told me to tri-cycle my pill to make my periods lighter and they sent me home. READ MORE… »

With so many wonderful eco-friendly products out there, we challenge you to “Go Green” on St. Patty’s Day. Your body and our environment will thank you!