prepare for back to school and prevent bullying at school
It’s time to head back to school! No matter the age of your child, this time of year presents a unique set of parenting challenges. We’re answering all of your questions! Below, you’ll find everything you need to know to get your child ready for school, as well as how to prevent bullying at school. This post will cover the following topics:
prepare for back to school and prevent bullying
Back to school supplies list
Back to school can either be a time of great excitement, or great stress. As with any transition, it is important that you work with your child to adequately prepare them for the changes ahead before they arrive. And one great way to do that is to make sure your child has all of the necessary gear they need to start the year in style. Here are our top five tips for back to school prep:
  • Comfortable, well fitting clothes will help them tackle the rigors of their day safely and comfortably.
  • A designated place to work on homework and read. This could be a corner of your dining room, or a desk in their bedroom.
  • If they’re going to be using a locker for the first time, some fun decorations can make their home away from home feel fun and organized.
  • Pack their backpack well in advance, and make sure that it is not too heavy. A good rule of thumb is that their backpack should not weigh more than 10-20% of their body weight. Regularly check and clean out their pack to ensure that it’s not getting too heavy as the year goes on.
  • Do a morning run through before school starts and see how long it takes to get ready. Make sure that your child is prepared to wake up at the necessary time and still get through everything without rushing.
How to Get Ready for the First Day of School
No need to wait until the first day of school to get acquainted with her teachers and school. Many schools and teachers are happy to discuss specific needs or concerns in the weeks leading up to the first day. The same applies for your preparation at home, too. Many kids get nervous about new classrooms and situations, and you can do a lot to help ease their nerves. If your child is nervous about starting school, slowly easing them into the transition can be helpful. Drop by the school and show them their new classroom, play on the playground, do a run through at their new bus stop or walking route. Ask them what is making them nervous specifically, and brainstorm some ways to alleviate that tension. Whenever possible, try to create excitement and positivity around the subject. Talk about all the fun new things they’re going to get to experience, the friends they’ll get to see again, and the new friends they’ll make. Point out the positive aspects of starting school to create positive anticipation about the first day of class. They will see old friends and meet new ones. Talk with them about positive experiences they may have had in the past at school or with other groups of children. It may also be beneficial to work any changes in routine into the schedule a few weeks before school starts, so they can get accustomed to their new normal.
How To Prepare Your Daughter for Puberty

Her backpack is packed and she’s ready to go…but have you prepared her for her period? Sure, you may have had “the talk” (or several talks!), but preparing to handle getting your period and cramps at school is a whole different set of topics. Many schools have moved away from allowing lockers, over the counter pain medications, or backpacks – so what should your daughter do when Aunt Flow unexpectedly arrives?

1. Have extra supplies on hand.

Periods (especially the first one!) can be hard to predict at first, so have plenty of pads or tampons at the ready. We recommend filling a small pouch with her favorite product, a couple of panty liners, and a feminine wipe or two. (Our First Period Kit is a great place to start!) If your daughter has a locker, send a period 2GO kit with her on the first day of school and make sure it remains stocked. Or, toss it in her backpack to keep with her at all times. The pouch makes it easy to grab on the way to the restroom, and it keeps things simple and discreet. If she doesn’t have a locker or a backpack, try tucking a few products in the pocket of a folder or a binder. In the case of any leaking, an extra pair of underwear or pants is another great thing to keep on hand.

2. Be proactive.
Head to the restroom at the first sign of cramping or discharge. If she has her pouch on hand, she should take that with her to the stall. If she finds herself without the proper supplies, be sure to let her know all of her options. There’s no reason for fear or embarrassment – this is a totally natural process, and there are many options if she finds herself in that situation. The school nurse, a friend, or even a female teacher they trust may have extra supplies on hand. And if not, wrap toilet paper around your hand to create a pocket of tissue that’s the shape of a pad. Tucked inside your underwear, this trick can work if she finds herself in a pinch without the proper supplies. Of course, if she thinks she may start that day, it’s always best to wear a pad or panty liner to school, just in case.
3. Stay comfortable.
Menstrual cramps can catch her off guard in the middle of class. Many schools don’t allow over the counter pain medications, but luckily there are plenty of natural ways to combat cramps. In order to alleviate the discomfort that can sometimes accompany periods, be sure to arm your daughter with the following cramp fighting techniques:
  1. Small adhesive heating pads can discreetly provide pain relief under clothing
  2. Get up to walk around every hour or so if possible – physical activity greatly reduces menstrual cramps.
  3. Stay hydrated – drinking lots of water can help to alleviate inflammation and bloating
  4. A small lavender, clary sage, or geranium essential oil roller applied directly to the stomach or back – coupled with a gentle abdominal massage, can help to alleviate discomfort
  5. A series of short, deep breaths can allow fresh oxygen to flow through the body and reduce cramping
  6. A thermos of our Cramp Tea, sipped throughout the day, can naturally ease discomfort with our special blend of pain fighting herbs
When it comes to getting ready for this important time, there is so much information out there that it can feel overwhelming. But we’re here to remind you: being prepared doesn’t have to be complicated! Keep it simple with the proper supplies, an adequate understanding of what to expect, and a few easy cramp relief techniques. With these simple techniques, your daughter will be ready to rock her flow when her period arrives.
What is Bullying?
While definitions vary, bullying is classified as “physical or verbal aggression that is repeated over a period of time and involves an imbalance of power.” And while bullying has been around for quite some time, it has reached all time highs at schools and online. While bullying may not necessarily start on day one of school, it’s good to be prepared with the warning signs and make sure that your child knows you are there to support them. Sometimes it may take until a few months into the school year for bullying to start in full force, since that’s typically when students have settled into their routines and social circles. No one is immune to bullying, but when your growing child is going through changes, it can feel especially difficult to deal with. And while many schools are working to keep up with the growing problem, it’s still important that children know they can talk to you, too. Just like with their periods, there is nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to getting bullied. But awareness and knowledge on how to manage it can make all the difference in the world.
What are the Different Types of Bullying?
Bullying takes many shapes and forms, and the introduction of cyberbullying has added an entirely new layer to an already complex issue. Generally speaking, these are the different types of bullying to look out for:
  • -Physical: picking fights, forceful pushing or kicking, pinching, and excessive roughhousing.
  • -Verbal: Name calling, insults, threats, excessive harsh and unkind language
  • -Cyberbullying: the use of social media, texts, online boards, and devices to intimidate, embarrass, scare, or shame other children
What to do if Your Child is Being Bullied
It is important to become a keen observer of your child’s behavior – any slight change in their personality, emotions, or behavior could be a sign that something is going on. If they are on social media, monitoring their social presence and communications can also help to pinpoint anything that may be going on. Let them know that they are safe with you and you are always ready to talk and work as their advocate. It’s also crucial that you give them the proper safety tips to avoid or remove themselves from potentially dangerous situations. Learning to walk away, talk to a teacher or a trusted adult, or finding a safe spot to get away are all helpful strategies for de-escalating a tense situation. If the bullying is verbal, teaching them assertive language like “Please stop talking to me like that.” Or “It’s not okay for you to treat me this way, and I want you to stop.” can help them to clearly communicate to the bully that they will not stand for their behavior. If you find out your child is being bullied, it can be tempting to immediately confront the other child, their families, or even the teacher. However, the first thing to do is to thoroughly listen to your child and show them the support they need. Once you have a firm grasp on the situation and you’re sure that your child is not in any immediate danger, it’s best to take your concerns to the school administrators. By law, schools have programs in place to investigate and reprimand bullies. The school will then take appropriate action to discipline the bully. As tempting as it is to deal with the situation head on, sometimes this can actually make matters worse. It’s important that when you speak with school officials, you make sure that they will use a great deal of discretion in handling the issue. If the bullying is addressed and not handled properly, this can actually embolden the child doing the bullying. The next time around, your child may not be as keen to open up about it and share. Keeping an open dialogue is key – be sure to let them know that the bullying is not their fault, and that they shouldn’t be ashamed or feel the need to change anything.
What to do if Your Child is the Bully
The fact is – every bully has a parent. As much as we’d all like to believe that our children are never capable of causing such hurt and heartache, it can happen. If you suspect your child may be bullying another child, or you receive notice from school that this is happening, try to remain calm. Your first instinct may be to punish the child or lash out in anger, but that can actually worsen the issue. Communicate with your child in clear and direct terms that bullying is never acceptable. Set firm limits and work hard to reinforce them at home, and at school. Be sure to praise your child when they show kindness, compassion, and positive behaviors. Stern, non physical discipline like the loss of screen time, time with friends, or a favorite toy can be effective. It is also important to use this as a time to teach empathy. Ask your child how they would feel if someone did the same thing to them. And of course, work with the school and their teachers to create a framework that can help to reinforce positive behavior.
In Conclusion:
This time of year comes with many exciting new changes. With the proper preparation and communication, your child will have everything they need to tackle the school year with confidence and ease! And if you’re hoping to get an even better idea of when to plan for your daughter’s first period, click the link below for a quick quiz to help you narrow in on a time frame. If you have any questions about bullying, first periods, puberty, or back to school prep, feel free to drop them in the comments below. We’re here to support you (and your child!) during this exciting time. Here’s to a better period, Tara and the BPP team
When will I get my period quiz


Whether you’ve just gotten your period, or you’ve been menstruating for a while, there’s a lot to learn about your body. Take the quiz to find out how much you know about Aunt Flow.


You can’t always plan for your period, but you can always be prepared for its surprise arrival. Make sure you’re ready for when you spot the signs with our super cute and discreet 2GO Kits!


BPP’s weekly email series will provide you with the tools you need to confidently prepare for the time ahead.


This FREE action guide not only shares the benefits of tracking your cycle, but provides a weekly checklist on how to optimize each phase of your cycle.


With a self-care practice, you’ll find opportunities to slow down, recharge, and take care of your body. We’re all about finding ways to go with the flow to add a little love to your time of the month.


Menstrual cups have a long list of benefits that include: 12 hour protection, holds more than a super tampon, safer, better for the environment and the cost $avings!! Learn more!


Herbal tea, an all-natural, safe and effective way of reducing or eliminating menstrual symptoms that plague women on a regular basis.