Getting your period for the first time is one of those moments when you remember exactly where you were and what you were doing. I remember this day so vividly because I was looking SO forward to it for a very different reason. I was preparing to leave that afternoon for my first big trip away from my parents. Not only was I going away without them, I was going to a different country on a different continent for an entire month! My Grandparents were already in Ireland waiting for me to arrive and my Aunt was flying with me. I was so mortified that I had to deal with this on my own -I wouldn’t talk to anyone about it. My mom loaded up my luggage with what seemed like every size pad available. She did a great job explaining how to use them and all of the details involved but there’s no replacing your mom’s support when you’re going through a time like this! The week of my first period was a very memorable time. I flew over the Atlantic Ocean for the first time, saw some of the most beautiful sites in Ireland, changed my pad every hour (I wanted to be sure… and I had all these pads!), and tried my best to hide it all from my Grandparents and Aunt. Let’s not forget that my Grandmother was so proud that her oldest Granddaughter was becoming a woman, she told just about any family member that would listen… At least she didn’t tell everyone in town, too!

By Kristina Salute
Bold Magazine

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