As a late bloomer (later than pretty much all my friends), I was more than “prepared” for my first period. Having a great relationship with my mom and 2 older sisters, I knew what to look for when my monthly visitor arrived. Though my period arrived later for me than my friends I very much appreciated that. While friends were changing tampons or sanitary napkins, I was still riding bikes and having fun. Not to say your period should end your childhood, it just changes the dynamic. Fortunately I learned from friends, mom & sisters, so when my menstrual cycle finally arrived, I was ready.

Know what to look for, ask your mom or sisters and do not be shy or embarrassed when it arrives. It is completely natural. Moms please talk with your daughters and leave that door open. So whether it is period talk, boy talk, physical (body) changes or problems at school, let them know that no matter what, you are there for them! Be the friend you always wished you had.

By Vanessa Scott


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