Traci BohYou don’t have to know everything…

Since I work directly with women on a daily basis helping them to understand their fertility cycle, I thought I was very well prepared to support my daughter with her transition into womanhood.  While I feel I did a great job preparing my daughter for the physical changes, there have been times I have struggled with the logistics of supporting her and been surprised by questions I was not prepared to answer.

Feminine hygiene products have really changed since I started my period in 1986.  Suddenly I realized that every month I was making choices about the products I use with a 1986 mentality, which wasn’t the most helpful for my 13 year old daughter.  I wasn’t prepared to help her determine what products would be ideal given her age, weight, activities, etc.  What would feel most comfortable?  What would work best?   What concerns would she have?

We have both learned a great deal, but I am pretty sure that I have learned more than she has.  I have been privileged to receive support and answers to questions (even ones I never anticipated), especially from You ARE Loved.

With each passing month my daughter is gaining confidence and more fully embracing her cycle.  It has been an amazing journey of discovery and education for both of us.  We look forward to what is ahead.

Traci is the Mom of a 13 year old daughter and 3 sons.  She is passionate about educating people about their fertility, cycles and nutrition (to learn more check out FertileView).

You ARE Loved and Be Prepared Period thank Traci for writing this guest post. She will be one of our parent panelists on March 9 for a very special tweet chat: Puberty and Periods – Guiding Tween & Teen Girls.  More information is available here.