Your daughter will soon be entering (or recently has entered) an exciting stage in her life. Essentially she is crossing the threshold between the girl she has been and the woman she will become. Thanks to hormones, everything will be changing: physically, emotionally, cognitively and even socially. You can be assured that with a little knowledge, open and frequent communication, and lots of love, you and your daughter will grow closer and closer as you navigate this new stage of life together.

Being prepared is the best way to ensure that your daughter has a positive experience whenever her first period begins.

What’s Happening in Her Body?
Menstruation is a cycle in the female body that allows fertilization or pregnancy to happen. Your daughter’s first menstrual cycle begins when her ovaries release hormones, which signal the lining of the womb to thicken, preparing a place for a fertilized egg to grow. The pituitary gland also sends a hormonal signal to the ovaries, who then release an egg or ovum. This is called ovulation and happens in the middle of the cycle. The egg floats down the fallopian tube on a path to the uterus.

That egg reaches the womb in 2 to 4 days and attaches to the wall or lining. If it is not fertilized, it will start to disintegrate, changing the hormone levels again and letting the womb or uterus know that it is time to shed the unnecessary lining. The bleeding that your daughter will experience is that lining being released from the body.

With all of those hormones flying through her young body, is it any wonder that she may be unpredictable, emotional and unusual? Throw in all of the preparation and supplies that she is getting used to and keeping up with and you can understand why your daughter needs your guidance and compassion during this time in her life.