
Guest Post by: Katherine (Tori) Lutz

Naturopathic Medicine and PMS Management

Over 80% of women experience PMS before their menstrual cycle each month. Some women’s symptoms can be so intense that they’re forced to miss school, work, or sit out of everyday activities, however, don’t stress. There are ways to help prevent some of these symptoms and most are easier than you think!

Today we have a wonderful letter from an anonymous writer. We hope you’ll enjoy her
musings as she thinks back on her periods and how her body changed during menopause. Enjoy today’s post!


Guest post by Robyn Srigley In December 2018 I received an email sharing the following story:
“My sister is scheduled for a hysterectomy next Wednesday. She has been bleeding heavily (about a menstrual cup an hour and needing to use Depends as a backup, because when the cup leaks it’s a flood) since the beginning of October. She finally got her results from the ultrasound and it looks like a lot of fibroids, one the size of a softball. While doing surgery they plan to repair a hernia, and they said they could keep the ovaries. They said because of the size of the fibroids and the bleeding they need to do the hysterectomy. She has reached out to me to see if she has any other options. She does not want to remove her uterus in haste.” READ MORE… »

Guest post by Emma Lymn

Over the years, yoga has gained significant popularity. Nowadays you’ll see photos of celebrities in their yoga gear and carrying their mats around after a class on magazines and popular gossip websites. Why?  Easy, yoga makes you feel good. In fact, most yogis will tell you that they feel better after attending a session, which isn’t always the case with other forms of exercise.

There are many reasons yoga is a mood booster and has many benefits.

In fact, yoga’s effects are so far reaching that many women keep going to their yoga classes even during their periods,  a time of the month where you might be tempted to veg on the couch. That brings us to the menstrual benefits of yoga. Before we delve deeper into that, let’s address an all too common question.


I’ve been told a lot of lies in my life. “Heavy periods and painful periods are perfectly normal”, they said, and “having crazy mood swings that impact your personal relationships are also normal!” I’ve been led to believe that it’s a Woman’s curse to experience these things. That’s just how it goes, right?


Guest post by Laura Slingo

We’ve all been there. You’ve just woken up and popped to the toilet, or you’ve taken a bathroom break at work, and you’ve discovered another surprise stain in your panties.

As if it isn’t annoying enough to have to deal with cramps, heavy flows and bloating, women also have to deal with period stains in our favorite panties and on white bed sheets. It doesn’t really seem fair, does it?

But before you throw another pair of panties in the trash or add them to your designated only-fit-for-your-period pile of ruined panties, stop!


Learn About Healthier Product Options for You and the Planet

With tons of product options, comes an abundance of questions. How do you know which product to choose?

We’ve got your back! We’ve done the work for you: our articles will introduce you to your options, go over their pro’s and con’s and share real life product reviews so you can decide for yourself which option is best for you!

Start with the articles to the right, then check out our other articles and free resources.



Embrace Your Journey: First Period Kit With Free Essential Items Inside

Navigating the transition into womanhood can be exciting yet daunting for girls. In this modern era, it’s essential to equip them with the tools to embrace this milestone. One invaluable resource that has gained prominence is the first period kit. Today, we’ll delve into the significance of these kits. Our article will illuminate an empowering aspect – including free items inside. This content piece will emphasize the importance of first period kits. We’ll also tell the positive impact of offering free items to support girls.

Understanding The First Period Experience

The first period is a significant milestone in every girl’s life, marking puberty’s onset. It is the time when girls familiarize themselves with their reproductive health. They begin to understand the changes that their bodies are going through.

Properly understanding the first period experience is crucial. It ensures that girls are equipped to manage their menstrual cycle and overall reproductive health. Parents need to have open communication with their daughters. Provide them with appropriate guidance and education.

Furthermore, having access to reliable information and resources is essential for young girls. Through this, they feel confident and empowered during their first period experience.

Educate your girls on the symptoms of menstruation and how to use menstrual products. This will help them feel comfortable and prepared.

The First Period Kit: A Valuable Resource

The First Period Kit is vital for girls experiencing menstruation for the first time. If we take the example of Be Prepared 1st period kit, it offers much more attributes than any other kits. This package contains essential items that a girl needs to manage her period conveniently. The kit typically contains sanitary pads, tampons, wipes, and other essential toiletries. All these products are necessary to handle menstrual bleeding.

Additionally, the kit may contain free educational materials about the menstrual cycle. It explains hygiene’s importance and how to manage discomfort during periods. This resource helps girls who are confused about what to expect during their first period.

The Be Prepared First Period Kit offers a discreet and convenient way for girls to manage their periods. It allows them to go through their day without worrying about leakage or discomfort. It is important to acknowledge that menstruation is a natural process. Girls should not feel ashamed or embarrassed about it.

Free Essential Items Of First Period Kit: Adding Value And Accessibility

Today, menstrual hygiene and management have become crucial to women’s lives. Providing them with affordable means to deal with their menstrual cycle is essential. The concept of a first-period kit is gaining significant importance in this regard.

The idea behind providing free essential items like educational resources in the kit is to create awareness. It facilitates access to menstrual hygiene products, especially in underprivileged communities. It’s essential to empower young girls with the knowledge of menstrual hygiene. The availability of this kit would make their lives more comfortable. It also helps them avoid any embarrassment or discomfort they may feel in times of need.

This initiative will undoubtedly add value and have a lasting impact on the lives of young girls. It will also promote their education and overall well-being.

Empowering Girls And Normalizing Periods

Girls have faced the stigma and shame associated with their periods for far too long. It often leads to negative consequences such as missed school days and opportunities. By empowering girls, we can provide them with the necessary tools and education. This will help them manage their periods with confidence and dignity.

Normalizing periods is equally important to dismantle the harmful myths surrounding menstruation. This can be achieved through open conversations, media representation, and cultural shifts. Acknowledge menstruation as a natural body function rather than something shameful or dirty.

Normalizing periods also destigmatize menstrual health issues. It encourages girls and women to seek the necessary medical care and support.

Breaking Barriers

The Be Prepared starter kit serves as a crucial tool in supporting girls. It provides them with the comfort they need during this transformative phase. By including free items inside these kits, brands can further promote accessibility. It will empower girls from all backgrounds. The value of such inclusion cannot be overstated. It addresses practical needs and sends a powerful message of support and care.

As parents, you must encourage girls to embrace their journey with confidence. You must also know how to talk to your daughter about puberty and offer first period kits containing free essential items. Together, we can create an environment where every girl feels supported during periods.

Do you want to know how to tackle your first period? Read our guest Amber’s experience and take notes so you can be better prepared.

Get Started for Free: Discover The Best Free Period Starter Kits

Embarking on your first menstrual journey can be both exciting and overwhelming. That’s why starting off on the right foot with the right tools and resources is crucial. Luckily, there’s an incredible opportunity to get started for free – introducing free period starter kits. 

This article will delve into the world of free period kits. These kits provide you with everything during periods. So, get ready to discover the top options available and unlock the secrets to a hassle-free period experience without spending a dime. Don’t miss out on this chance to explore the best free period kits and embrace your period journey with confidence and preparedness.

Why Does A Period Starter Kit Matter?

As a young woman, starting your menstrual cycle can be overwhelming and confusing. This is why having a period starter kit can make all the difference. Not only does it provide you with essential products, but it also brings a sense of comfort and preparedness. A period starter kit may include pads, tampons, panty liners, and menstrual cups. Various options allow you to choose what works best for your body and lifestyle. It also ensures that you have the necessary supplies on hand when you need them.

In addition to products, a period starter kit can also include educational resources. This can include information on menstrual health, hygiene, and period tracking. Having access to this information can help you better understand your body.

A starter kit can also include a discreet and convenient storage option. This makes it easy to carry your supplies wherever you go and ensures you will always be prepared. One kit you must check out is the Be Prepared starter kit. This kit contains all the necessary items you need during your monthly cycle.

Benefits Of Free Period Kits

Free period starter kits are a great initiative. They can provide numerous benefits to young girls and women. As menstruation is a natural process, free period kits offer a viable solution to better prepare those in need.

The most significant advantage of these kits is that they eliminate the financial burden on low-income families who cannot afford menstrual products. This burden can lead to hygiene-related diseases that could have easily been avoided.

Moreover, diminution of taboos surrounding menstruation is another significant advantage of period kits. The distribution of these kits can contribute to the reduction of stigma. They also increases awareness about menstruation and empowers girls to talk about it. This can lead to better personal hygiene habits and a good understanding of menstrual health.

Lastly, free period starter kits promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. Without access to menstrual products, girls may miss school or work. This affects their education and productivity, which can lead to unequal opportunities. Period starter kits can overcome these inequalities and help girls stay healthy, active, and productive.

Top Free Period Starter Kits To Discover

Purchasing a period kit can be costly. That’s why it’s great to discover free options that are just as efficient. The good news is that many reputable brands offer free period starter kits. This makes it easier to manage your menstrual periods without breaking the bank. Several companies and organizations provide free period kits. Here are a few examples:

Be Prepared. Period + MaskIT

Be Prepared Period has collaborated with MaskIT to promote their free period kits to students. These kits can be requested through their website.

U By Kotex

It offers free period kits that include pads, tampons, liners, and information on menstrual health. These kits can be requested through their website.


A well-known brand in feminine care that has initiatives where they provide free starter kits to individuals. They collaborate with schools, nonprofits, and other organizations to distribute these kits.


Tampax offers a free period kit called “Tampax School Sample Kit,” specifically designed for schools. It includes educational materials and sample products for students.

The Pad Project

It is a nonprofit organization. The brand aims to provide menstrual products and education to underserved communities. They offer free period starter kits through their initiatives and partnerships.

Local Health Departments

Some local health departments or community organizations may provide free period kits as part of their reproductive health programs or initiatives. It’s worth checking with your local health department to see if they offer such services.

Start On The Right Foot

The journey into menstruation can be made much smoother and more comfortable with the right resources by your side. As a parent, know how to talk to your daughter about puberty and explore these free options. Don’t miss out on this chance to embrace your teen’s period journey. Take advantage of the best free period starter kits. Equip yourself with the essentials for a hassle-free period.

Remember, starting off on the right foot can significantly affect your period. So, discover the best period kits to embark on your menstrual journey comfortably and confidently.

Challenge the negative perceptions surrounding periods and assist our daughters in having seamless and trouble-free menstrual periods.

Top 10 Reasons Why Knixteen Underwear Is Perfect For Your Teen

Top 10 Reasons Why Knixteen Underwear Is Perfect For Your Teen

As a parent, you want to ensure that your daughter feels comfortable and confident as she navigates the changes that come with puberty. One aspect that is often overlooked is the importance of quality underwear. That’s where Knixteen Underwear comes in, designed specifically for teens. This brand offers a range of functional and stylish underwear options. That can help your daughter feel comfortable and empowered during her period.

In this article, we’ll review the top 10 reasons why Knixteen Underwear is perfect for your teen. We’ll also discuss its comfort, functionality, and style properties.

Tips For Talking To Your Teen About Underwear And Puberty

Knowing about how to talk to your daughter about puberty is important. These conversations establish a sense of trust between you and your teenager. It also provides your teen with the information to navigate through this stage.

One of the most important things to remember is to be approachable and non-judgmental. Creating an environment where your teen feels comfortable asking questions is essential.

Besides being approachable, it’s also crucial to be knowledgeable and informed. Research and gather info about the physical changes your teen will experience. As well as the types of undergarments that will best suit their needs. This will enable you to give your teen the necessary information. That will help her make informed decisions about their clothing and hygiene choices. 

Lastly, be mindful of your tone and language when discussing these sensitive topics, avoid using negative or shaming language. That can make your teen feel embarrassed or ashamed. Instead, use positive and empowering language. That will help your teenager feel confident and in control of their body.

10 Reasons To Use Knixteen Underwear

When it comes to choosing the right underwear for your teen, there are a lot of factors to consider. Comfort, style, and functionality all play a role in making the right choice. That’s why Knixteen Underwear is the perfect option for your teen. Here are the top 10 reasons why.


Knixteen has redefined the standards of comfort with their underwear. Their products are designed keeping in mind the lifestyle of teenagers and adults. The brand offers a wide range of underwear, like boy shorts, thongs, briefs, and bras – each caters to different preferences. The underwear is made with high-quality fabric that guarantees comfort and breathability.

The brand has also included unique features like leak-proof technology in its underwear, that provides women with confidence and comfort during their menstrual cycle. The bras are designed with adjustable straps and removable pads that caters to different body types.

Furthermore, Knixteen’s underwear are inclusive, catering to different skin tones and body sizes. The brand promotes body positivity and self-love. It encourages young girls to embrace their bodies and feel comfortable in their skin. The products are not only comfortable but also stylish, with a variety of colors and patterns.

1. Soft And Stretchy Fabric

The soft fabric of Knixteen underwear is a game-changer in the lingerie world. Designed for teenage girls, Knixteen offers an innovative line of undergarments that prioritizes comfort, support, and style. The brand understands the importance of feeling relaxed in your skin during teenage years.

Knixteen’s soft and stretchy fabric property provides an unparalleled level of comfort. The fabric moves with your body and provides flexibility and support, no matter what activity you’re engaging in. Whether running, jumping, or lounging at home, Knixteen underwear ensures your comfort is never compromised.

2. Seamless Design

The last thing anyone wants is to be readjusting their undergarments throughout the day. This is where a seamless design comes in, and Knixteen has mastered it with its underwear line. The seamless design of Knixteen underwear ensures a comfortable fit without any visibility. This is achieved through advanced technology that eliminates the need for stitching. The result is a more streamlined design that conforms to the body’s natural curves.

Besides providing a more comfortable fit, Knixteen’s seamless design also improves functionality. The lack of seams means less chance of chafing or irritation. That makes these undergarments ideal for everyday wear or even physical activities.

3. Tagless Design

The tagless design property of these underwear eliminates annoying and scratchy tags that can cause discomfort and irritability. This innovative feature sets Knixteen apart from other brands because they place the comfort of their customers at the forefront of the design process. The seamless construction of the tagless design also enhances the look and feel of the undergarment and provides a smooth and sleek finish, perfect for any outfit.

This feature is only one example of Knixteen’s commitment to providing high-quality undergarments. All their products are made with the latest materials and technology ensuring that they are stylish and functional for everyday wear. 


Knixteen Underwear is designed to keep up with the fast pace of an active teenage lifestyle. The functionality of this product is unmatched, providing unbeatable support in any situation. The Knixteen collection boasts superior moisture-wicking abilities that is essential for sports and physical activities.

The moisture-wicking technology of the fabric enables it to draw sweat away from the skin. The sweat is then directed toward the surface of the underwear, where it can evaporate. This feature ensures that teens stay comfortable and dry, even during intense exercise or hot and humid weather conditions.

4. Absorbent Technology For Leak Protection

Knixteen’s absorbent technology provides outstanding leak protection for their underwear. This technology helps teens deal with menstruation-related leaks confidently and discreetly.

The absorbent technology used in Knixteen underwear comprises many layers that work together to provide ultimate protection. The top layer is a moisture-wicking fabric that draws perspiration away from the body and leaves the wearer feeling comfortable and dry.

The middle layer is where the magic happens, it is comprised of a super absorbent material that captures liquid and locks it away to prevent leaks. This layer is what sets Knixteen apart from other brands on the market.

Finally, the bottom layer is a waterproof barrier. It prevents any liquid from seeping through to clothing.

5. Moisture-Wicking Property Of Knixteen Underwears

The moisture-wicking feature is crucial to feeling confident during a daily routine.

This property of Knixteen underwear is achieved through high-quality and breathable fabrics. The fabrics draw moisture away from the skin that promotes airflow and prevents moisture buildup. Thus it keeps the wearer feeling dry and comfortable. This means that teens can remain at ease even when engaging in strenuous activities.

6. Antimicrobial Property

The Antimicrobial property of Knixteen is one of the most sought-after aspects of the brand and for a good reason. It provides the wearer with an extra layer of protection by preventing bacteria from growing and spreading. The undergarments have a patented shield technology.

7. Stay-Put Fit

The Knixteen Stay-Put Fit Property results from extensive research into the unique needs of young women, who are often on the move and require undergarments that can keep up with their active lifestyle.

With the Stay-Put Fit Property, Knixteen has ensured its undergarments remain firmly in place. They provide maximum coverage and support throughout the day. This feature benefits athletes who need reliable undergarments that won’t impede their performance. The Stay-Put Fit Property also makes it easier to move around without worrying about any unwanted adjustments. The underwear stays put without digging into the skin. That makes it comfortable for girls to go about their daily activities.


Knixteen Underwear is a perfect blend of comfort, style, and functionality. They offer various styles of underwear, including briefs, boyshorts, and thongs.

The briefs offer full coverage and support. In comparison, the boyshorts provide a sporty and stylish look for everyday wear. The thongs provide the perfect balance of comfort and a discreet way of hiding panty lines.

8. Trendy And Age-Appropriate Designs

Through its age-appropriate designs, Knixteen empowers girls and makes them proud of their bodies. Its range of products offers a variety of options that cater to different body types and styles. That allows teenage girls to express themselves in ways that make them feel special.

9. Fun And Colorful Options

The brand is known for its innovative designs. The use of vibrant colors makes their products stand out from the crowd. There are a wide range of options available in the product line that cater to different tastes and preferences. From basic colors to funky patterns and prints, Knixteen has it all covered. Knixteen’s underwear fit perfectly and provides the right amount of coverage without causing any discomfort.

10. Cute Lace Details

Knixteen underwear feature exquisite lace details that adds extra charm and elegance to the already comfortable underwear. The cute lace details of these underwear appeal to teenage girls. It provides them with a sense of style and confidence that is unmatched.

Knixteen has always been committed to empowering young girls. The new collection of underwear is a testament to that. The lace details are adorable while adding a touch of sophistication and style to the undergarments.

Choosing The Right Knixteen Underwear For Your Teen

When selecting underwear for your teen, consider these factors.

First and foremost, comfort is key. You want to ensure that the underwear is comfortable enough for your teen so she can wear it all day without irritation or discomfort.

Second, the fit is crucial. Choose underwear that fits well and doesn’t ride up or slide down, as this can be uncomfortable and embarrassing.

Additionally, the material and style of the underwear are essential considerations. Cotton or breathable synthetic fabrics are good options. They allow for airflow and help prevent sweating and odor.

Finally, considering your teen’s preferences or needs is also important.  Ask her if she wants extra support or coverage.

Keep these factors in mind and involve your teen in the decision-making process. It can help you choose the right underwear that offers comfort and confidence.

Faq’s About Kinxteen Period-Wear

What makes Knixteen Underwear different from other brands?

Knixteen Underwear is designed for teenage girls. They offer a range of benefits, such as moisture-wicking technology, leak protection, and age-appropriate styles.

What sizes are available for Knixteen Underwear?

Knixteen Underwear offers sizes ranging from XS to XL. They are designed to fit teenage girls ages 11-18.

Is Knixteen Underwear suitable for girls experiencing their first period?

Yes, Knixteen Underwear is suitable for girls experiencing their first period. The brand offers several options to provide leak protection and comfort during her period.

Does Knixteen Underwear offer leak protection?

Yes, Knixteen Underwear offers leak protection in several of its underwear options. Such as the period-proof styles that feature a built-in absorbent liner.

Is Knixteen Underwear comfortable to wear?

Yes, Knixteen Underwear is designed with a tagless and seamless design. It prevents irritation and ensures maximum comfort.

Can Knixteen Underwear be worn during sports or physical activity?

Yes, Knixteen Underwear is suitable for sports and physical activity. The brand offers several options that provide support and stay-put fit during movement.

What type of fabric is used in Knixteen Underwear?

Knixteen Underwear uses a variety of high-quality fabrics. Such as moisture-wicking nylon, breathable mesh, and antimicrobial cotton.

Is Knixteen Underwear tagless and seamless?

Knixteen Underwear is crafted with a seamless and tag-free design to prevent irritation and ensure optimal convenience.

Can Knixteen Underwear be machine washed and dried?

Yes, Knixteen Underwear can be machine washed and dried for easy care.

What are customers saying about Knixteen Underwear?

Customers have generally been very positive about Knixteen Underwear. Many consumers praise its comfort, functionality, and age-appropriate styles. Many have also noted the brand’s commitment to sustainability and ethical production.

Knixteen: A Confidence-Boosting Choice For Your Teen

Knixteen Underwear offers a range of benefits that make it the perfect choice for your teen. From its functional design to its stylish options, there underwear can help your teen feel confident and empowered as she navigates the challenges of puberty.

By choosing quality underwear for your daughter, you can help her feel supported throughout this important stage of her life. We encourage all parents to consider Knixteen Underwear for their teen daughters and experience the difference for themselves. Your daughter deserves the best, and Knixteen Underwear can provide just that.

Normalize menstruation in this society, have a look at our guide on how to end this stigma.

Young Undies 101: Everything You Need To Know

During the teenage years, choosing underwear becomes more than a practical necessity. It becomes a means of self-expression and a reflection of personal style. Today, we will explore the world of young undies, exploring various fabric choices to find the perfect fit. So, let’s embark on this informative journey together.

Understanding Teen Underwear

Teenage years can be a critical point in life. Choosing the right underwear that provides comfort, support, and protection is important. The needs and preferences of teenagers are different from those of adults. They usually require underwear that is specifically designed for their age group.

It is also essential to choose the right type of underwear that adequately supports the growing body of teenagers. Sports underwear, for instance, are an excellent choice for active teenagers. This style of underwear protects the body while also preventing chafing and irritation.

Moreover, it is vital to consider the style and design of the underwear as it can affect the confidence and self-esteem of teenagers. Choosing underwear that matches teens’ preferences can help them feel more confident in their clothing.

Different Fabrics Suitable For Young Undies

When it comes to choosing the right fabric for underwear, there are a plethora of options. The type of fabric you choose can make all the difference in comfort, support, and satisfaction. Some of the most common fabrics used for teen underwear include:

Cotton is popular due to its breathability, softness, and moisture-wicking properties.

Spandex is great for stretch and support and can offer a snug fit without irritating.

Polyester is a durable and long-lasting fabric that dries quickly and is resistant to shrinkage.

Nylon is a lightweight, flexible fabric ideal for sports and activities.

Bamboo is a sustainable and eco-friendly fabric that is ultra-soft and gentle on the skin.

It’s essential to choose a fabric that is both comfortable and durable because teens lead an active lifestyle and require underwear that can withstand heavy use.

Finding The Right Underwear Fit For Teens

When it comes to finding the right fit for young undies, it can be a daunting task for both parents and children. The first thing to consider is the age and size of your teen. As your daughter grows, her body changes, and so do her underwear needs. It is important to make sure that the underwear fits properly. Because uncomfortable or ill-fitting panties can cause discomfort and even health issues.

Another important consideration is the material of the underwear. Girls’ skin is sensitive, and certain materials can cause irritation or allergies. Cotton is a popular choice for teen underwear. It is breathable and comfortable against the skin.

When choosing underwear for teens, it is also important to consider their activity level. Teens who are active and involved in sports may require different underwear than those who are less active. For example, sports-specific underwear designed to wick away sweat and prevent chafing may be necessary for active children.

Lastly, it is essential to involve your teen in the decision-making process. Allow them to pick out underwear that they like and feel comfortable in. This helps to build their confidence and independence. It also ensures that your girl wears proper underwear that meets her needs.

A Journey Of Empowerment

We have provided a comprehensive guide to understanding and navigating the world of young undies. Whether embracing body positivity, exploring personal style, or prioritizing hygiene, this guide encourages teens to celebrate their uniqueness and make choices that empower them to feel comfortable and confident.

With this knowledge, teens and parents can embark on a journey of informed decision-making. As a parent, you must first learn how to talk to your daughter about puberty. This process will ensure that underwear and other life choices reflect your teen’s individuality and contribute to her well-being.

Understanding Fabrics And Styles: Choices For Tween Girl Panties

When selecting tween girl panties, understanding the fabrics and styles is vital. The fabrics and styles help determine the comfort and fit of the underwear. It also impacts the confidence and well-being of young girls.

This article aims to help teens choose the best underwear based on fabric and style. By delving into the world of panty materials and exploring different types, we can empower tweens and their caregivers to make thoughtful choices that prioritize physical comfort and emotional confidence.

Tween Girl Panties Styles And Cuts

Regarding underwear, style plays a crucial role in ensuring comfort and confidence. With many options available, choosing a style that suits your body type and personal preferences is essential. Some popular designs and cuts of underwear for teens include:


The ultimate solution to all your teenage underwear woes- briefs! Comfortable, snug, and stylish, briefs are a must-have for all teenage girls. With a wide range of designs, colors, and sizes, you can now choose the briefs that suit your style and personality.

Brief’s breathable fabric ensures you stay fresh and comfortable all day. Its snug fit keeps everything in place without being too tight. The waistband stays in place, providing ultimate comfort and a smooth finish. With their versatile design, briefs are perfect for any occasion. Be it lounging at home, working out at the gym, or attending a formal event.


Boyshorts provide full coverage like ordinary shorts and offer more support and protection. Girls can express their style and feel confident in their clothes with a wide range of designs and colors. Boyshorts are also great for those who participate in sports or other physical activities. This underwear minimizes the risk of chafing or irritation. Additionally, boyshorts can be worn with many clothing styles, from jeans to skirts.

Parents can feel at ease knowing that their daughters are wearing underwear that is appropriate and functional. Boyshorts are made with breathable materials. Its fabric is gentle on sensitive skin, so this underwear is perfect for growing bodies.


Bikini underwear is popular among teens due to its fit and stylish appearance. They provide ample coverage to the backside while maintaining a low-rise waistline. Bikini is perfect for everyday wear and pairing with low-rise jeans or shorts.

Furthermore, bikini underwear can be accented with lace, bows, and other embellishments. It adds a touch of femininity and playfulness to any outfit.


This style of undergarment rests on the hips, providing a snug fit and covers most of the buttocks. It is ideal for teens who want a comfortable yet stylish alternative to briefs or boxers.

Teens appreciate the freedom of movement provided by hipster underwear. That makes it an ideal choice for active adolescents. They have a comfortable waistband and soft, stretchy material. Its fabric prevents chafing and irritation, allowing teens to enjoy sports.

Fabric Options For Teen Underwear

For teenagers, comfort and style are key elements they seek in their underwear. Selecting the perfect material can be overwhelming with a wide range of fabrics. However, understanding the benefits of various fabrics can simplify the decision-making process. It will help you choose the right one according to your needs.


Cotton is an excellent underwear choice for providing comfort and protection. Cotton is a breathable and comfortable material. It is also gentle on the skin, preventing irritation and allergies. The teenage years are a period of physical growth and hormonal changes. It can lead to excessive sweating and strong odors. Cotton underwear absorbs sweat and keeps you fresh and confident throughout the day.

Additionally, cotton is easy to wash and maintain. That makes it cost-effective and convenient for parents. It is important to note that while cotton underwear is an excellent choice, choosing the right size and style that suits your teenager’s body type and personal preferences is essential.

Blended Fabrics

Blended fabric underwear is made from different materials, such as cotton, spandex, and nylon. All of these materials provide superior support and durability. Furthermore, the breathable nature of these fabrics ensures moisture is wicked away from the body, it keeps the wearer cool and dry.

Blended underwear fabrics mean teens can feel confident and comfortable all day. These tween girl panties offer maximum flexibility, Whether at school, playing sports, or socializing with friends. It allows girls to move around while maintaining their shape throughout the day.

Synthetic Fabrics

Synthetic fabrics have become popular in the production of tween girl panties. These materials have durable, flexible, and moisture-wicking properties. Synthetic fabrics provide a comfortable fit. It allows freedom of movement and prevents chafing, which is ideal for active teens.

Additionally, synthetic fabrics can retain their shape even after many washes. This property makes this underwear a cost-effective choice for parents. Moreover, synthetic materials protect against UV rays and resist wrinkles, fading, and shrinkage.

Unleash Confidence

Understanding fabrics and styles when selecting tween girl panties is essential. When teens feel comfortable in their underwear choices, they can focus their energy on other aspects of life, nurturing their personal growth and development. Let us tell you how to talk to your daughter about puberty and help you choose the right panties for tweens. Empower them to make informed decisions. Embrace their uniqueness and help teens navigate their journey through adolescence comfortably.



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These fashionable period kits stuffed with organic tampons or natural pads were designed to keep ladies of all ages prepared with the healthiest options for their period while on the go!


Wondering if menstrual cups are right for you? Menstrual Cup 101 will teach you the basics like cup options  and how to’s while addressing the most common fears and questions. Sign up, it’s free!


Searching for a healthier, natural form of relief? Did you know herbal teas could be your solution to menstrual and hormonal issues like PMS, Cramps, Hot Flashes & more? Learn how in this series!


This weekly email series is designed to teach you everything you need to know about the healthier alternatives to the products you’ve been using forever.


Want to naturally relieve cramps and other physical ailments, and reduce your chemical exposure? Learn the basics of essential oils, what they are, how to use them safely, the top 3 oils for women’s health and more!


We think World Health Day should be more than one day. Take this quiz to find out how (un)healthy you are in your day-to-day life.


We’re not just a first period resource – our mission is to help women navigate their journey from puberty to menopause with ease and empowerment. Through our content, community programs, products, and free resources, we are constantly working to change the conversation around menstrual health, and empowering our audience to live happier, healthier lives.
Please note, the links below are for our resource pages. If you’re looking to shop our products, click here. Don’t see something you’re looking for? Get in touch with us!
We’re always working to improve our resources, and we’d love to hear from you on how we can better serve you during this time.

We’re not just a first period resource – our mission is to help women navigate their journey from puberty to menopause with ease and empowerment. Through our content, community programs, products, and free resources, we are constantly working to change the conversation around menstrual health, and empowering our audience to live happier, healthier lives. Please note, the links below are for our resource pages. If you’re looking to shop our products, click here. Don’t see something you’re looking for? Get in touch with us! We’re always working to improve our resources, and we’d love to hear from you on how we can better serve you during this time.

Period Talk

Period Concerns


prepare for back to school and prevent bullying at school
It’s time to head back to school! No matter the age of your child, this time of year presents a unique set of parenting challenges. We’re answering all of your questions! Below, you’ll find everything you need to know to get your child ready for school, as well as how to prevent bullying at school. This post will cover the following topics: READ MORE… »