Questions & Answers for those Seeking Better Periods!

How do I approach my Mom about trying a Menstrual cup?


Hi, my name is Lexus and I’m 15. I was searching about having a tampon in the shower and a link about someone who got TSS from tampons popped up. I read it and am suddenly very nervous about using my tapons even though they are the light. My flow is pretty average I think but can be kinda heavy depending. My cramps are really bad at times and I have to take an advil to calm the pain. As I was reading all the comments I heard about menstrual cups and was curious so I searched them up and am really interested in trying them because of their benefits ie: no TSS risk, less cost, helps the enviornment, calms cramps, etc. etc., but I have no idea how to bring them up to my Mom. Especially since I’m a virgin and am not sure how it would work out. It’s not that I don’t think she’d talk to me about it and help me through it or actually be very open about it, but I’m still really nervous to ask mostly because I have no about what to say or even what brand I would think of getting and trying. Any advice you can give me would be so helpful!

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Bree is a 16 years old british girl that posts videos on youtube about anything having to do with periods and reusable menstrual products. Her youtube channel is seriously awesome :) she even has a video explaining menstrual cups and reusable pads to parents that I suggest you show your mom. Just tell her you're not comfortable with using tampons, hopefully she'll understand. Here's a link to the video, good luck :)

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 Show your mom an article you found online about menstrual cups, or a video on youtube.  And as for wearing a tampon in the shower, you don't need to.  I don't (I do perfer tampons over pads when I'm on my period, except for at night or in the shower or bathtub).  The blood goes down the drain.  If you're going swimming while you're on your period, then yes do wear tampons or menstrual cup.  Unless you're on the last day or so on your period, because then you hardly have a flow.  as for the TSS, if you take the precautions suggested on the pamphlet in the box of tampons, you most likely won't get TSS (although it is still possible, and I think I have even heard of someone getting it from changing her tampons too often).  

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The British girl who is expert on cups is Bryony Farmer. I have seen her site and it is fantastic! She is a dancer as well and has used cups since she was 15. There are lots of cups on sale in the UK and it is very difficult to chose the best one for us. BTW there are extra small cups now for beginners and us very young girls. Mums are usually in favor.!
(Christa at December 26, 2021 12:55 pm)
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 there are some videos on youtube about menstrual cups.  Perhaps you could show your mom some of those videos, and then the two of you could talk about this afterward.  If you don't feel comfortable going right to your mom and saying, "Mom, I want you to see this video," perhaps you can email your mom the links to some of the videos, if she has email.  That's what I do.  I haven't emailed her any of the videos about menstrual cups, but I have emailed her other videos and articles.  I have Asperger Syndrome (High-Functioning Autism), and I have emailed my mom the links to some videos and articles that have to do with Autism Spectrum Disorders (such as a potential treatment that claims to cure Autism).

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