Questions & Answers for those Seeking Better Periods!

I want to try a menstrual cup. I talked to my mom about it, but she didn’t think it was necessary. What should I do next?



I usually use tampons when I’m on my period (except at night, then I use pads), but I would like to try a menstrual cup. I talked with my mom about it, but she said much of what I told her (my understanding of menstrual cups) sounded either gross or similar to tampons.  She said it was like I was inviting bacteria (I’m afraid of Toxic Shock Syndrome). What should I do next to convince my mom to let me try a menstrual cup?

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 Show her how much safer a cup is when compared to any disposable option.

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 Lunette has done a blog post answering this question!

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 There is virtually no risk with cups. Tampons have a very high risk. Do some more research with your mom, she seems very uninformed. New info may change her mind a bit.

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 Maybe show her something like this infographic that has a lot of information about tampons vs. cups. A lot of people are uncomfortable with things that they don't know anything about. The more information you can give her to support your decision, the better. This infographic discusses how the cup is more affordable, better for your health, better for the environment, etc...

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