If you’ve opened up a box of tampons before, you’ve probably encountered the scary warning label on the inside of the pamphlet: “Tampons are associated with Toxic Shock Syndrome. (TSS)” And whether or not you took this warning seriously the first time you saw it, most likely your concern has slowly dissipated the longer you’ve used tampons. Out of sight, out of mind, right? READ MORE… »

To the guys in my life: I think you should know … Times have seriously changed. While women have made great strides toward equal rights, there are still a few things that are still misunderstood about women. In keeping with our theme of the month, it’s time to set the record straight for gals of all ages. To the gents in our lives, don’t stress if you don’t totally understand – the key here is to respect our differences. But if you’re a brother, dad, boyfriend or friend and you’ve made it this far, we applaud you for giving it your best effort. Here’s 10 things we wish you knew.
Have you heard the saying, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” Well if my mom was old and a dog (she’d kill me if I actually compared her to that), I would definitely be able to claim this as a true fact.
Because after almost a full menstrual lifetime of using tampons I got my mom to not only try, but to fall in love with menstrual cups! Since my own menstrual cup journey happened nearly at the same time, I thought it would be helpful to hear a brief backstory…
There comes a time in the month when you reach for your trusty pair of jeans, only to find they’re a bit less comfortable than they were the day before. Depending on your body’s patterns – you may find the jeans don’t fit at all, even if you just wore them a few days ago! No, you’re not imagining things. There’s a very real (and oh-so-natural!) cause for this, and it’s called bloating. We’ve all been there. Let’s get to the bottom of this PMS symptom, and explore what, if anything, we can do to relieve some of the pressure. READ MORE… »
Detox Your Period
This blog series dives into the different types of natural alternatives available to you, giving you a run down of how they work, and which product may work best for your body. Here’s the thing: there’s no one perfect product out there. Every body is different, and what works for you may not work for us. That’s totally okay! That’s why we carry all types of products in our store. During this series, we give you an inside look at the features and facets of each of the products, and you can use this information as a guide to making your own detox decision.
With tons of healthy options, comes tons of questions. How do you know if you want a natural cotton tampon, a menstrual cup, or a natural pad? So many products, so little time. And while you may not have the opportunity to try them all out – we’ve got your back. BPP’s very own Kelci DeFrancesco has done the work for you and has reviewed each of the different options. So keep reading, follow along, and decide for yourself which option is best for you!
By Amy Morris
There is no doubt that as women, our bodies are nothing short of amazing. But what isn’t so amazing is the pain that can occur when our good friend Aunt Flo shows up in the form of our monthly period. Ladies of all ages, please take note that not all period pain is normal. I hope to provide a guide on when you urgently need to see your gynecologist, and also where you have the power to improve your cycle pain naturally, using diet and supplements. READ MORE… »
Your Period Shouldn’t Be Painful
March is Endometriosis Awareness Month. “Endo” is a painful disease that affects at least 176 million people worldwide. The Be Prepared Period team sends love and support to our many Endo sisters (and brothers!) experiencing the disease. This month on the blog, we’re diving into the personal journeys of those that have received an Endometriosis Diagnoses. Dr. Allegra Hart, a naturopathic physician, will also be sharing her Endo story and what it took to receive a diagnosis. For many, this process can take years, and the first step to any diagnosis is awareness. READ MORE… »

By Robyn Srigley, BA, PTS, CNP, NNCP

Nutritional Tips for your Menstrual Cycle

I’m here to help women with hormonal dysfunction who are living in a state of overwhelm and anxiety to live harmoniously with the rhythms of their bodies. I do this so these women can stand in their power and use self-love as a catalyst for lasting change and Happy Hormones.

Listen, I’ve been through it all.

When I started nutrition school at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition, I was on Cloud 9. I changed my diet up big time (who knew vegetarianism wasn’t going to be popular!) and studied hard. READ MORE… »

By Rebecca Warfield


Continuing with this month’s theme of making natural choices for our bodies, this week we’re talking about how to harness our innate connection to nature, and turn that energy into serious period-power. When we connect with our body and its natural rhythms, we gain a new level of understanding, acceptance, and even comfort with ourselves. You have the power to rethink the way you look at your period – and that important  shift can work wonders for your physical and mental well-being.

No matter how much we embrace our bodies, sometimes having your period can seriously suck. PMS can make your skin freak out.  Cramps can distract you from your daily activities.  And the other plethora of menstrual side effects can make a few days of your cycle less than desirable. But no matter how uncomfortable menstruation is, it is a not-so-subtle reminder for us to harness the moon’s innate potential. Plus, it is a perfect time to either start or get back into your yoga practice.




The full moon has everyone looking to the sky in awe. For thousands of years, humans have been fascinated by that majestic lunar shape in the sky.

If you’re anything like us, you’ve spent your life hearing how women and their cycles are affected by the moon, and yet you may not truly know what the buzz is all about. We’ve got you covered! This week, we’re shedding some light on how our cycles may interact with our celestial neighbor. Read on, moon mamas…