Xo Flo Menstrual Cup Reivew

Detox Your Period:
Our new blog series that divides the different types of natural alternatives available to you, giving you a run down of how they work, and which product may work best for your body. Here’s the thing: there’s no one perfect product out there. Every body is different, and what works for you may not work for us. That’s totally okay! That’s why we carry all types of products in our store. During this series, we’re going to be giving you an inside look at the features and facets of each of the products, and you can use this information as a guide to making your own detox decision.


With tons of healthy options, comes tons of questions. How do you know if you want a natural cotton tampon, a menstrual cup, or a natural pad? So many products, so little time. And while you may not have the opportunity to try them all out – we’ve got your back. BPP’s very own Kelci DeFrancesco has done the work for you and has reviewed each of the different options. So keep reading, follow along, and decide for yourself which option is best for you!


Detox your period - natracare organic cotton tampons


Detox Your Period: Our new blog series that divides the different types of natural alternatives available to you, giving you a run down of how they work, and which product may work best for your body. Here’s the thing: there’s no one perfect product out there. Every body is different, and what works for you may not work for us. That’s totally okay! That’s why we carry all types of products in our store. During this series, we’re going to be giving you an inside look at the features and facets of each of the products, and you can use this information as a guide to making your own detox decision.

With tons of healthy options, comes tons of questions. How do you know if you want a natural cotton tampon, a menstrual cup, or a natural pad? So many products, so little time. And while you may not have the opportunity to try them all out – we’ve got your back. BPP’s very own Kelci DeFrancesco has done the work for you and has reviewed each of the different options.  So keep reading, follow along, and decide for yourself which option is best for you!


{Check Out Part 1 – Natural Pads, Part 3 – Menstrual Cups or Part 4 – Cramp Tea}


Detox your period - one womans quest to find the best natural period product

Let’s say you go for a nice long run. You come home feeling invigorated, refreshed, and happy to have done a nice thing for your body. You’re thirsty. You grab a glass, head to the fridge, and pour yourself a nice big serving of Galaxolide (your favorite drink, and a known endocrine-disrupting chemical.) Once you’ve had your fill – you jump in the shower to rinse off. As you step out and begin to dry off, you pull out your favorite bottle of chlorine-bleach lotion, and generously slather it all over your skin. Ah…there’s nothing like taking care of your body, right?

Hold up – what the what?!

If you think this sounds ridiculous, you’re right. No one would knowingly wipe bleach all over their skin, right? Right. So that’s why the following fact is so troubling: according to a recent report by the nonprofit Women’s Voices for the Earth, traditional feminine hygiene products may use ingredients that are known or suspected endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), carcinogens, or allergens. Yikes. READ MORE… »

There’s gotta be a better way. (Spoiler alert: there is.)
One of the most important aspects of taking control of your health is education. Whether you’re 9 or you’re 49 – there is so much going on and vying for our attention. Often times, the most important stuff gets overlooked. Let’s be real – in the midst of to-do lists and schedules and life, it can be hard to justify making time to research healthier choices, much less incorporate that wellness into our routines. We’re here to tell you: this is one of the most important decisions you can make for your wellbeing. READ MORE… »

cloth pads and conception


It’s hard to know where to go when your most intimate questions crop up. We often receive emails asking for advice on a wide range of topics, and we wanted to make a safe place to post some of your most personal struggles. We’ve reached out to trusted experts in the field of women’s health, and asked them to provide professional answers to equip us to make informed decisions. Better information helps us to put our worries to rest, and get back into the flow with our bodies. Period.

Join the conversation today at PeriodTalk, or contact us directly. If we are able to match your question with an expert answer, it might be profiled in an upcoming addition of Ask The Expert! (Your privacy is important to us – participation will be optional and anonymous.)

Ask The Expert #1: Cloth Pads & Conception

“I’ve been struggling with infertility for several years now and have just stumbled onto using cloth pads. I’ve tried almost everything, except for IVF, to cure my ‘unexplained infertility’. My periods have always been six to seven days long with lots of cramps and clotting. I have extreme breast pain after ovulation. Doctors have no response for any of my conditions except that it’s a regular part of menstruation. Any advice you can provide me with would be greatly appreciated.” – Anonymous

by Jenn Marie

say hello to cloth pads

When it comes to understanding “that time of the month,” there’s no shortage of confusion among people of all ages and genders. One of the most common period-related myths is that there are only two types of feminine protection available: disposable pads and tampons. In reality, we have tons of other choices! Some of the most popular include menstrual cups, sea sponges, diaphragms, and my favorite: reusable cloth pads.

The idea behind cloth pads is simple: instead of the typical pad made from paper and plastic, cloth pads are made from fabric, allowing them to be washed and reused just like underwear. It may sound strange, but it’s not a new or unusual idea; women have been using cloth pads throughout most of history! It was only very recently, as our society shifted toward a preference for single-use products, that disposable pads and tampons were first marketed to women.

With the popularity and convenience of disposables, why would anyone want to use cloth? Here are just a few of the many reasons… READ MORE… »

By Andrina Adams


I’ve been using menstrual cups since July 2013, and they’re AWESOME!  They’re definitely better than the pads and tampons I used for umpteen years.

Just when I thought period protection couldn’t get any better, I was blessed with the opportunity to try a Lunette Cup…and it was A GAME CHANGER.  Before I share why, here are a few facts about the cup in case you’re not familiar with it:

– Up to 12 hours of leak-free protection

– Can’t be felt when inserted correctly

– Can be worn overnight

– Not associated with Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)

– Menstrual flow is captured and held in the cup until you remove and empty it — which means no scent

– It’s reusable, which makes it environment and budget-friendly

* Can last up to 10 years with proper care and use

* One-time cost is around $40 online (including here at www.bepreparedperiod.com), which can save you more than $100 per year.


My Personal Experience with Lunette Cup

I used the Lunette Cup for the first time two periods ago.  From the start, I could tell it was quite different from other brands.  Here’s why:


My periods have always been painful. They’d often force me to miss school, university or work, and if I was caught out in the middle of town I’d been known to lie down for an hour or two in a cubicle of a public toilet.

I got my period on the second week of my honeymoon on a remote island, and I remember feeling scared one night that there was no hospital on the island, because I was in far too much pain for comfort. So they were really no picnic to begin with.

But one month, out of nowhere, on Day 2 of my period I was suddenly gripped with the worst pain I’d ever felt, and I remained in a state of complete agony for the next two days. My husband had to rescue me from work and help me to bed. I couldn’t stand up straight. I couldn’t walk without holding onto things. It was quite scary.

At this stage my periods were longer than they used to be too: I’d gone from five day to eight day periods. So I did some neurotic late night googling, and canvassed opinions from friends, and also went to a proper doctor. It looked to all concerned like I had endometriosis maybe.


Move over toxic tampons. Take a hike, sweaty pads. There’s a new player in town and it looks like she’s here to stay – 12 hours at a time. It seems women are going crazy for the menstrual cup, a reusable, bell-shaped silicone device inserted into the vagina to collect menstrual blood, and they’re taking it to the web with countless YouTube videos, blog posts and tweets praising its benefits. So what’s all this commotion about?


menstrual cup revolutionThroughout its surprisingly long history (early versions of the menstrual cup were patented as far back as in 1932!), the menstrual cup has not been a popular option for period care. Despite several attempts to launch the product in mass markets over the years, it was never able to compete with disposable tampons and sanitary pads. Although it is still a foreign concept to most women, the menstrual cup is slowly claiming its place in mainstream markets. It is no longer a mysterious apparatus only found in natural health stores; the product is now available in some major drugstores and can be easily bought online. An increasing selection of brands is also popping up worldwide: from Lunette, to Mooncup, Meluna, Yuuki, Fleurcup, Sckoon, Ruby, Femmecup and The DivaCup – to name but few.


Diva International Inc., the makers of The DivaCup, one of North America’s most popular menstrual cup brands with over 1 million cups sold to date, have definitely noticed the new trend. For the past 10 years, DivaCup International’s sales have been growing at double digit rates. “In the past ten years we have received great enthusiasm and acceptance around The DivaCup in both natural health and more recently, mainstream markets,” says a spokesperson for The DivaCup.



By Andrina Adams


Until recently, I suffered through heavy periods every month.

Andrina AdamsOn days 2 & 3, I normally had to wear a tampon AND a maxi pad.  In addition to this, if I didn’t change that lovely combo every 2 hours, I had the “pleasure” of a major clean-up and possible leakage.  — I’d tell you about my pads-only nights; but, I don’t want to make you weep.  🙂

Of course, everything I’ve mentioned so far made me dread, and sometimes skip, work / personal events – especially the ones that required long periods of sitting and / or frequent use of far-away public restrooms…that is, until I stumbled upon menstrual cups on Amazon.com.

MENSTRUAL CUPS – Where have you been all my life?

While checking things out on Amazon one lovely, lazy vacation day, something led me to the sanitary products page.  That’s where I saw them for the first time…  I’m telling you, angels played harps and sang while a voice (in my head) said, “Behold…the DIVACUP and SOFTCUP.”  LOL