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Herbal Remedies for Menstrual Cramps?


Does anyone know of any herbal remedies for menstrual cramps?

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agreeing with the green feminine hygience queen's post and the cramp bark!


I would suggest trying vitamin E 500IU daily, it has made my period cramps soooo much better! (mefenamic acid from the drs didn't even take the edge off them they were that bad!) It's not a quick instant fix, but if you start right away your next periods won't be as bad! :)

here's a link supporting it: :)

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 Just came across another great article about this topic. Check this out:

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What an awesome question! I LOVE all these great suggestions! Here are just a few of the remedies we have listed and suggested on our website at the following link:

1. Heat It Up: Expose your abdomen to some heat. Whether it’s a warm shower, extra blankets, or an electric heat pad, your abdominal pains/cramps will feel much better after being exposed to warmth. The heat helps increase blood flow providing additional oxygen and nutrients to help heal your shedding uterine lining. The heat also helps stimulate sensation in the skin, and therefore distracting the amount of pain being signaled and sent to your brain from your uterus. Also, our tendency is to tighten and tense up our muscles when we’re in pain; the heat will help relax those tightened muscles.

2. Watch Your Food Intake: Sugar and salt are big no nos, especially if you’re trying to reduce that overwhelming amount of bloating and swelling of the hands and feet. Forget that morning coffee; any caffeine can sometimes aggravate anxiety and depression that comes along with that time of month. Tea, specifically chamomile and peppermint, on the other hand, although it contains caffeine, can make for a good alternative.

3. Minerals, Minerals and more Minerals: Ok, we said no pill popping, but we meant no non-natural pill popping. There are some minerals in the form of pills/supplements that we highly recommend to help reduce those PMS Pains. Magnesium, Vitamin B6, and Calcium are our top three picks; here’s why:

a.          Magnesium: Magnesium supplementation is best known for helping with balancing mood and fluid retention. It has been found that 360 mg three times a day, starting from day 15 to the start of the menstrual period significantly improves PMS mood changes.

b.          Vitamin B6: If the magnesium can’t cure your mood, maybe the recommended daily dose of 100mg of Vitamin B6 will help with your premenstrual blues. The body needs B6 to make serotonin out of the amino acid tryptophan, and many people may be low in B6 because of high levels of stress that deplete your body of B6.

c.          Calcium: Studies correlate the levels of calcium found in women with stronger symptoms of PMS are lower than those women who do no experience PMS. It is suggested that 300 mg of calcium carbonate four times a day can help reduce bloating, depression, pain, mood swings and food cravings. Most people automatically think milk is the best source of calcium, but you might be surprised to find out that green leafy vegetables, sardines and seeds are also a good source of calcium, so if you’re not a cookies and milk kind of girl, break out your recipe for sautéed spinach.

4. Herbal Remedies: Although there’s contradicting evidence about the benefits of using herbal remedies to help ease your PMS symptoms, it’s still worth a shot. Here some age old herbal treatments:

a.          Chasteberry – this fruit coming from a small shrub-like tree has been used by women for thousands of years. It has been linked to balancing hormone levels created by the pituitary gland.

b.          Evening Primrose Oil – Some research has shown that a dietary deficiency in fatty acids may contribute to PMS. Evening primrose oil is rich in essential fatty acids; taking a 500 mg supplement per day can help improve mood swings, irritability, cramps and inflammation and swelling in the body.

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Ground Cayenne pepper! Cayenne Shots!!! 

I used to/still get KILLER cramps that would land me in bed or on the couch for a day or 2. That and organic, homemade red raspberry leaf tea sweetened with organic honey. 

Cayenne Shots: 

1 teaspoon or tablespoon of either 45 or 90 (in reference to the strength/hotness) in an ounce of room temp of *distilled* water. Have the rest of the gallon handy - you will want to chug! 

I did/do this right when I started to get my pd, before cramps got too bad and it works! Just one shot is all I need. :-) Cramps stop, and it shortens and lightens my pd! 

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 It's not herbal, but increase your calcium intake 2 weeks before your period is due. It was hard to remember at first, but now I crave calcuim-rich foods 2 weeks ahead! It really does help with cramping and PMS in general.

Also, use a heated pad such as a hot water bottle, corn bag or rice bag on your abdomen. The heat feels wonderful and helps releive cramps. I also use mine on my lower back and legs sometimes when my period is getting ready to start.


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I love all of these suggestions. I would add flower essences, Nelson Bach makes a great line, and then there are various tinctures you can buy locally or from smaller herbalist as well It's a soft, subtle kind of healing. 

Aromatherapy is calming as well.The Lunablend is awesome and it smells lovely.

Here's some info about flower essences too. <3

Bach Rescue Remedy is excellent, a nice calming catch-all to keep in your pocket or purse. 


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 Organic Raspberry leaf tea is very natural mild tea and it helps with menstrual cramps

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Earth mama angel baby has a lovely monthly comfort tea.

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 Cramp Bark works well. 

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Hi Brooke, 

There are a number of different herbs that you can use ti support your menstrual health but I always suggest using food or supplements first and then using herbs to correct any major imbalances. Here is an answer I posted for two other questions about cramps.  I hope this helps you!

I would suggest a hot water bottle, the electricity flowing through heating pads can exaccerbate cramps for some people.  I also think you should try a good calcium/magnesium supplement. These are two very deficient minerals in modern diets and magnesium in particular is very helpful for muscle cramping. I'd suggest Natural Calm, it's well known and works very well. Here is a link:

She can also take epsom salt baths because they are full of magnesium which is absorbed through the skin. 

You should also consider a good B-complex supplement, as B vitamins are super important for all kinds of menstrual and reproductive functions.  

She could also have a tipped/tilted uterus (I have one and have struggled with terrible cramps in the past) which could be causing the back pain.  I suggest a chiropractor who can work on adjusting the uterus into a better postion. Sometimes they can be off!  Or even seeking out a Maya abdominal massage therapist who specializes in this kind of treatment.


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