Questions & Answers for those Seeking Better Periods!

Light and short periods after stopping the birth control pill


I took the birth control pill as my means of contraception for 9 years. I stopped taking it 9 months ago once I finally learned about the negative affects that it was having on me. Since coming off of the pill my periods have come back at regular intervals, however they are very short (1  or 2 days with some spotting before the period starts and sometimes after it ends as well) and are very light. Any ideas on what I could do to have the most optimal menstrual cycle for optimal reproductive health?

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 Hi Rachel,

I'm sorry to hear you were experiencing negative side effects from the birth control pill that you were taking. That's no fun, I have had my experiences too.

You might have become accustomed to the week of sugar pills that mimic a menstrual cycle while taking birth control pills. But really some people have periods which are only a couple days, like you are experiencing or some last for a week or more. All normal. 

A few top things that you can do for optimal reproductive health and overall health are to eat a balanced diet, find activities to get you moving 30 mins- 3x a week, and practice self-care.

If you are looking into a new method of birth control then I suggest exploring this website to help you determine which will fit your needs best.

Be well!


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Hi Rachael!

It could be that you have an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone. Having low progesterone and too high estrogen can cause spotting.

It could also mean that you're not ovulating properly, and the lining of your uterus isn't building up enough. Low thyroid or the hormone imbalance I mentioned above could be the cause.

I recommend trying some Vitex to increase progesterone, or you could try the seed/oil cycling method of hormone balancing. This is super easy and works very well! You can see how to do it on my blog post here:!The-Moon-and-You-Regulating-Your-Period-with-the-Lunar-Cycle/c22d5/1

Hope this helps!


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